Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Open Blog - Tuesday

Nature is beautiful.


  1. Well, we got more rain. That ought to keep things tropical.

    I'm still having trouble with my internet connection. The download speed is all over the place, from 27.35 Mbps to 4.34 Mbps to no connection at all. It's slow as mud. Time Warner says they'll have a technician here early Wednesday morning. If you don't hear from me until then, you'll know why. If you don't hear from me after the technician has been here, he probably killed me to stop my complaining.

  2. yawn........ couldn't get to sleep last night, stupid twitchy feet... 2 more long days and I'm off, just have to survive til then!

  3. Good morning, all. I'll try to control myself today and not speak in rhyme or in tongues. ;>

  4. Have a great Tuesday, all. I'm off on my bike🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲

  5. More heat today and then rain for the next few days. Rain in July in Oklahoma is unheard of and we've already had over 4 inches. Not complaining.
    Off to the eye Dr. for the 3rd try.

    Have a great day everyone.

  6. Internet connections, twitchy feet,
    self control,biking, Sooner weather...many issues going on with Irregies. My all encompassing issues are sleeplessness and worry ridden.

    Need to get some fun in but I have turned into "all work and no play" sort of person.
    Why couldn't I have just become something fun in life ....like a princess or fairy or a fairy princess?

  7. Just got back from the 1st part of the NEWCUELER (George W.) stress test. The stuff they put In you now Is worse than the old stuff. Chest Pains, Headache, Nausea, Flushing, etc. It goes away after a few minutes, but makes one feel like crap. That's followed In an hour by a scan, where they of course make you put your arms behind your head for 15 minutes. That's alway's real comfortable. Tomorrow I go back for another scan, for what I don't know? The doctor I FIRED did It, and he looked like he wished I would have died. What a jerk. Dr's are like Cable Guy's. STILL PRACTICING.

  8. Toad.... I work in cardiology and the cardiologist's have the worst personalities in general. They are generally "heartless" and thus is the reason for going into the field that they are in. The ER docs rock and are much more fun.

    I'm very pleased you are doing things for YOU!

  9. TWC left a message on my answering machine that I have to call them to confirm the appointment tomorrow. Why do I have to call? I spent hours on the phone with them yesterday. There is nothing more to say.

    The recording says to call or I will continue to receive reminders. Remind away, I don't care, just FIX my internet.

  10. Remember when "Fairy" was a word used to describe a gay person? I hope you don't because It's older than dirt.

    Why do you worry, Leave the worry to me, I just naturally worry all the time. I was fairly certain, I was going to drop dead on the gurney while having my stress test today. Nope, Maybe tomorrow?

    As for Cardiologists. Mine Is a pretty nice guy. Boring, but a nice guy. Now my EX doctor that oversaw this procedure, that idiot asked me why I was having this done, usually somebody needs It. WELL I said " I have had, chest pains, Jaw pains, etc. etc. but I haven't had one In 5 years so my cardiologist thought I should" Really I wanted to kick him In the NUTS, but bit my tongue. I fired him last year. I think he's still pissed, like I give a shit.

    Anyhow, YES ER doctors are fun. I can still remember some of them from the late 60s when I worked In the ER at St. Luke's In Racine. Best job I had for $1.10 an hour.

  11. Orb's, If you don't call the idiots will think It's working now, and don't need to come out. Demand to talk to Anderson Cooper. Isn't CNN part of Time Warner?

  12. I"m getting a wee bit of a complex, just found out I have a 2nd neighbor moving out of state, is it us?? we're not THAT bad, geesh... the ones to the west of us on the corner and the ones butted up against them on the other road, the ones with the pool everybody thinks is ours... guess it'll soon be time to break in some new neighbors... I hate change :(

  13. I called them. After hours and hours of haggling with them over the phone yesterday, I had to call their 800 number again today and be put on hold again for 20 minutes just to verify something that I already did yesterday. I hate those fucking bastards.

    Btw, when I called to verify the appointment, the person I talked to had no idea of what was going on. There is so much ...

    Oh, great, now I get another phone call from TWC. They want me to rate my experience with them so far. I gave them the lowest ratings I could. God, I wish TWC had competition. Their monopoly is carried on the backs of overcharged customers. They don't give a damn what they do because they don't have to. If you don't like it, too fucking bad. They're the only show in town and you either kiss their asses or you get slow internet.

    I hate to think that all that money I pay through the nose for an internet connection goes to support vastly over-compensated leeches in suits who conspire with other leeches in suits to jack up how much we pay for internet and TV.

  14. And now, when I want to post a comment, my connection goes to hell again. This shit happens 3 or 4 times a year to me, every year for decades, no matter where I live. No one at TWC can explain that to me. I mean, they have the records, they can see that I have trouble regularly with my internet, but they don't give a shit.

    Another tech told me yesterday that my account is not set up for Road Runner Turbo even though I've paid for Turbo for years. When I asked him how long they had been fucking me, the tech decided I do have Turbo after all. Lying pigs and bastards.

  15. Why doesn't TWC hire tech support personnel who speak English? I had to hang up the phone numerous times yesterday and recall TWC because I couldn't understand what the techs were saying. TWC hires third world mopes to service our accounts while the company makes millions and millions of dollars.

    Sorry, didn't mean to make this Open Blog the bash TWC blog, but I just had to vent. I am so tired of paying and paying and paying money to TWC while my service is shit.

    The recent deaths in my family have impacted my finances horribly. I've lost 20% of my income. I was already at rock bottom. Now I'm below it. I have to scrimp and save every penny while TWC gouges me more and more for less and less service.

  16. Orb's, Doesn't Milwaukee have a TV channel that has one of those Viewer complaint segments? I believe you have a valid complaint, and should call Channel 4, or whoever It Is that takes care of complaints like this BTW, Time Warner Is owned by Ted Turner isn't It. You know Hanoi Jane's EX.

  17. I'm thinking about doing a blog on testosterone.

  18. Mary... to much or too little of T?
    Do it...enquiring minds want to know!

  19. Hormones, hot flashes, Estrogen, Testosterone, male menopause, general crankiness, excessive perspiration, crotchedness (lol) that blog could go on forever....

  20. I get to see my shrink next week. It's been five months instead of the usual three. She changed employers and I got sick, so we didn't connect for awhile.

    I consider myself a low testosterone guy. I'm not into sports or competition. I like poetry and flowers.

  21. I'm glad you'll get a chnce to talk to her, orbs. You've had a hell of a rough stretch.
