Saturday, July 6, 2013

Open Blog - Weekend

I'll do my best.


  1. The weekend is under way, but I think I'll sleep first....

  2. Goodnight Snoopy. You've always been my favorite.

  3. time to turn the caffeine drip on high...

  4. Up and at 'em,you bums..daylight's a-burning! Things to do,people to see, money to spend.

  5. Workin over 24 hours in 2 days....
    I feel like I am a very dull girl.
    The words written "IT'S LATER THAN YOU THINK" haunts me. It is not a fun summer. I thought I would have some fun...but NONE! Really?

  6. no sleep = no life... but I survived and got a surprise visit at work from Drew and THB :) ah the little things that make my day much better!
    (and of course, caffeine!)

  7. Good grief again as everyone is up early.

    Have a fun day everyone.

  8. I am glad we made your day. I really like to see my trouble maker sister when ever I can.

    Mary- Drew and I got up at 5am to go to Wausaua to pick up my daughter's step sister then we went birding in Bancroft. We got home around 6pm. That was on long day and I cheated for dinner because I put a roast in the crock pot and had it on low the whole time we were gone.

    Daddy Orb's- If you have second shift and I was up and checked on here at 5am then again at 9pm what shift am I on?

  9. Slow cooking is still cooking. Crock-Pots are great for stews and pot roasts.

    You're on the 2.5-ish shift.

    I finally got two large loads of laundry done. I was on my last pair of underwear. It was do the laundry, or buy new underwear, or go commando.

  10. Must have been the day for doing the white load. Mine is done and folded. Still sitting in the laundry basket. Summer = lazy.
