Saturday, July 20, 2013

Open Blog - Weekend

I hope that you can relax this weekend.


  1. I lost a day. I spent yesterday with the feeling that it was Saturday, and today feels like Sunday. Is day losing indicative of future dementia?

  2. Winnie, We will be leaving shortly to take a good look at you. I hope your a good girl, and shake a load of snot on Mrs. Toad's legs.

    Orb's, No Dementia for you. Just a Brain Fart.

  3. Have a great weekend. Nothing special planned....going to kick back...perhaps some pool time.

  4. I'd call it being an irregular Orbs.

    Toad - you and the Mrs. are good people.

    Have a great Saturday everyone - glad to see your heat has finally ended.

  5. Orbs, doesn't dementia tend to take you to the past? sounds like anti dementia to me :)

    Sleeping in is one of the greatest pleasures ever, except for the reliable bizarre dreams that it causes... wowsers...

  6. QUIT being so bossy, I'm trying to relax! ;>

  7. I need a vacation after this weekend with the Grandkids. I love them dearly but they are wearing me out. We are taking them today to the Racine Zoo and I hope this will tire them out!

  8. Winnie Is gorgeous. Has a head the size of one of those round seedless watermelons. HUGE. She has GREAT BIG number 11s hanging from her lips, just as I hoped. funny, that stuff Is sticky. We got home, and Mobe (the golden) Is pretty much ok with her, but Daisy (mutt) Is being a bitch, but she should get over It. I have yet to hear her make a sound. Rides In the car just great. Just a wonderful dog. SO HAPPY. I went to see my twin sister, whom I have not seen for perhaps 10 years, and knocked on her door, and her live In (30 years) answered the door, and I handed him a package that was sitting on the porch, and said "I have a package for you", and he asked me If he needed to sign for It. I took my sunglasses off, and said GEEZ Greg I know It's been awhile, but WTF. I heard my sister In the background say "Who Is It", and I said "YOUR BROTHER" and she started balling. It was a GREAT surprise for her. Went to O&H on Durand, and got a bunch of too expensive Kringle, and Pumpernickel. What a bunch of crooks. BTW, why do you suppose some of the Kringles are 75cents more expensive than others? Maybe the fruit ones cost more? Anyhow, I saw the BAR I didn't go to, and thought I saw SER sitting outside, but I don't think It was him. Drove past Orb's place, some guy was taking a leak on the wall. LOL, and drove through the ghetto, WOW I did enjoy seeing the scaffold wrapped around the Johnson Tower. Some pretty sad looking buildings. I didn't see the water sprinkler on Monument Square? A whole bunch of Black People with loud speakers, probably protesting the Martin case? I did however figure out why the city has failed so bad. They zoned the whole damn place COMMERCIAL. I never saw so many storefronts In a city Racines size In my life. Just crazy. The place Is Zoned wrong? Anyhow we had a good day. I only wish I could have gotten everybody to meed under the Mitchell School flag pole. That would be neutral ground, and that's where I alway's didn't meet for a fight.

  9. Wow Toad, sounds like you had a great day!

  10. I hope Winnie is housebroken.
    big dogs = big poop.

  11. Toad, the Dr. Laurel Clark Fountain is east of Monument Square. If you drove east on 6th St., you'd see it. Maybe next time.

    I thought all the kringles from one shop would cost the same. I don't buy them too often.

    Taco Bell on Washington Ave. is more expensive than the Taco Bell on Douglas Ave.

    I think we should put an electric fence around my apartment building so that when people pee on it, they get shocked onto their asses.

  12. Toad, what a lovely story. Well, maybe not the peeing part. You were very near my place on your travels. I would have liked to meet Winnie. I don't buy kringles too often (mostly because I can't stop eating them) but was shocked at the price they were charging, too. I shouldn't be surprised, all food prices have about just about doubled fairly recently.

    Now that you know you can make it to Racine.... I sure hope you join us at our next get together. And bring pictures of your new friend.

  13. I wish we had a chance to meet you, Toad. You're such a sweetie. I know Winnie will love her new home. I'm so glad you had a great reunion with your sister, how touching! Kringles - yum, but I rarely get them, due to $$$, and the fact hubby's favorite is lethal to me, and mine doesn't do a thing for him... so if we get them, we each have to eat the whole thing - gasp! the horror ahahaha!

  14. Toad!!! Congrats on having a new child! Now get out with her a bit and get some joy in your life! Be patient with her, as I bet she needs some relearning. Sure sounds like that family she was with did not like her. Why do people get pets and not like them? That is really a PET PEEVE of mine.You should upload so pics for all of us to see. It was great that you saw your sister. I am a strong believer that many family reconciliations after years are very healing in many ways.

    The rest of you beautiful "irregies" have a great Sunday!!!
    Love to Y'all!

  15. Forgot to say that my bakery is Heidi's. They have turtle die for.
    Chocolate, nuts, carmel....woopty wow crack me up!

  16. finally cooled down a bit today...

  17. Anon, She IS, and YOU AIN'T kiddin. HOLY SHIT. If she crapped In that guy's yard 4 times It would be truly impressive.

  18. Orb's,KK, Liz, I of course have no idea where anyone lives, but sure wish I would have seen you all. I started on the Almond Kringle last night, and not much Is left. I go for a Stress Test on Tuesday, If I make It. I'm moving on to Apricot Kringle next.

    Orb's, are you saying the Clark Fountain Is behind the Johnson Building?

    After about Gould St. Douglas Ave. Is really something. They should do what Johnson's did, and tear all the building down on both sides of the street, and plant grass. It looked rather nice on 14th St. till you hit Uptown.

    BLB, I think she Is going to sleep for a week on her big pillow? She Is ONE happy dog.

  19. SER. It's almost alway cooler by the lake. My wife's cousin had a Golden named Cooler by the Lake. They live on College, near the Dekoven Foundation.

  20. Toad, yes, the fountain is behind the Johnson Building. It's 2 blocks east, across the street and down a way from the old Elks Club.

  21. Toad, there's no mention of black protestors downtown in the Journal Times. That racist rag just ran another lying editorial about race relations, while it ignores it's own words. Too bad the protestors were black - they don't belong downtown. I assume that some elitists came along and shoo-ed them back into the ghetto.

    The part I hate the most about living in Racine is the local news blackout. The Journal Times conspires with Dickert to keep citizens in Racine uninformed. You have to read Racine Uncovered, Racine Exposed, Racine in Ruins, Racine Transparency, and Racine Community Media to get an idea of what is really going on here. WITI Channel 6 also carries a lot of Racine stories. Does anyone else think it's odd that a community with a daily, local paper has to rely on TV news from another city to get the truth?
