Sunday, August 11, 2013


 From Racine Community Media:

"RACINE- In a shocking move, the Racine Cable Commission is recommending to spend an additional $30 THOUSAND DOLLARS this year to the already $106,000 that is spent on running the cities public access channel CAR25. It appears the channel and it’s rebranding, 'what’s now called BelleTv' is a complete failure and the only option is to spend more taxpayer money to fund what people are now referring to as Dickert’s Propaganda TV.

"The move comes after public outcry and scrutiny over Mayor John Dickert’s so called 'Vison' to save the city money by selecting his personal friends to take over CAR25. In reality, it has wound up costing residents, and the city much more than in years past. CAR25 has had operating budgets of $80,000 a year, and now is attempting to come in at approx $136,000 a year. Where is the city getting this money to spend on frivolous propaganda tools, when the city cannot afford to keep streetlights on for 60K a year?
"It appears the channel has had nothing but problems since the takeover, having to fire staff members and purchase thousands in new equipment already. Members of the public have been complaining in regards to current programming, and faulty web site broadcasts, and have been met with less then friendly responses from those in charge. Also of note, is the additional request for $1000, to be spent for BelleTv staff for travel to conferences.
"The current Time Warner dispute over the channel 4 blackout is another example of this Racine Cable Commission (appointed by Mayor John Dickert) Not doing their duty to serve the area residents and represent the City The Of Racine in the Channel 4 dispute. The City Of Racine and Time Warner are business partners, so to speak, and this commission’s duties included representing the community in any disputes or issues regarding Time Warner service to the residents. Instead, they have not attempted to discuss the Channel 4 blackout, or it’s affects on the greater Racine area,  choosing to just ignore it. Racine and it’s residents and taxpayers should demand competant representation on ALL LEVELS of government, with no exceptions."


They don't even try anymore.  They just lie to us and then do whatever they want.  And yet, we're "broke" when it comes to streetlights and other citizen services.

Party on, lying John!


  1. from: Gibbon’s The Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire

    Vol. III pg. 571: But it’s fall was announced by a clearer omen than the flight of Vultures: the Roman government appeared every day less formidable to its enemies, more odious and oppressive to its subjects. The taxes were multiplied with the public distress; economy was neglected in proportion as it became necessary; and the injustice of the rich shifted the unequal burden from themselves to the people, whom they defrauded of the indulgencies that might sometimes have alleviated their misery. The severe inquisition, which confiscated their goods and tortured their persons, compelled the subjects of Valentinian to prefer the more simple tyranny of the Barbarians, to fly to the woods and mountains, or to embrace the vile and abject condition of mercenary servants. They abjured and abhorred the name of Roman citizens, which had formerly excited the ambition of mankind….

    Dishonest John is a vile creature

    Plain and simple.

  2. The Flying Fickle Finger of Fate

    Awarded to Dishonest John and Questionably Competent Tom.

    The Dickert Disastercontinues unabated!


    VERY INTERESTING ! But, Stupid.

  3. Having streaming broadcasting is a good thing. The former channel was not what I'd call a "go to" station. However, what I've seen so far of the new company the city hired has been very little, limited to the broadcast of the parade. Unfortunately, the quality was even poorer than the former company. You mention these new people are friends or have ties to the mayor and their appointment is questionable. What exactly is the relationship?

    As for the Time Warner BS.. that is happening all across the country and is not limited to the city of Racine. Are mayors from Dallas and other markets involved contacting TWC or Journal Broadcasting as to the reduction in services to their cities?

    As of tonight, we will be getting only 2 of the 3 major networks. They are pulling Channel 5, NBC from Chicago. No more Jimmy Fallon, no more Brian Williams, no more Saturday Night Live. We better learn Spanish so we can watch the Packer games. I'm not going to continue paying those high costs for 2/3 of the service. I'm considering making the switch to U-Verse or maybe just being done with television all together.

  4. KK, Is Dish Network banned from Racine, or are the Antenna, type services not allowed at all?

    This whole Dickert thing has me confused. If the citizens of Racine are so unhappy with him, WHY don't they attempt to RECALL him? I would also think, that If Illegal (by LAW) events can be proved, I would think the State could become involved?

  5. Dickert is not hated by everyone. He has a large following that he rewards with our tax dollars.

    People on the state level have been contacted. They are loathe to indict a serving mayor. The ones I talked to stated lecturing me on application of the law. They are afraid of the fallout from unseating a crook.

    I don't think it much matters anymore. The momentum has shifted towards the people and away from the government liars. If people can't get their government to respond, they're just going to do what they want anyway.

    Unlike Becker, when Dickert falls, he's taking everybody with him. That's what we get from a narcissist.

    (Did you hear where Dickert was while Racine citizens cleaned up North Beach after the fireworks? He was in France, partying on our dime. This shit won't last much longer. The money problems will force things to a head.)

  6. After Bonnie Ladwig got convicted of an Ethics violation - I believe that there was a deal made between the Democrat and Republicans for them to look the other way at each others peccadilloes and not prosecute government officials.

    THERE IS TOO MUCH $$$ in salaries, benefits and perks to be made in government!

    Look at the recent event concerning Sheriff Schmaling. Driving his daughter to a private event in a taxpayer provided vehicle. That is wrong in so many ways..... also - was the Sheriff on taxpayer time or his own - in the Squad car he was driving!

    The Sheriff is NOT a Chauffeur - and given the level of crime in Racine - could have been patrolling the streets.

    DO YOU get paid to drive company provided vehicles to events with your Daughter... think about it!

    The sad saga of corruption at every level continues in Racine!

    Don't worry, there is always an "excuse" for it. UNLESS you are privately employed.

    Jim Ladwigs Corrupt County

    Racine Exposed

    More revelations will be made - when CCAP returns to service!

  7. TOAD -

    For the past 2 days, all inquiries get met by:

    " Your request could not be processed

    Database is not available. Please try your request later."

    CCAP will always inform a user when it is down for maintenance. Not so this time.

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  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. After repeatedly lying to the community about the takeover of CAR25 at meeting after meeting, which was a scam and a completely rigged bidding process, our local officials also promised the cost would remain within the budget. The old budget was really $80,000, but was inflated to $106,000 for Friends of John to take it over. Even that was not enough. That lasted a whole 4 months, and now they are demanding another $30,000! $136,000 for something that brings in nothing in return other than more POLITICAL PROPAGANDA! How much more will they demand?

    Where did they get all the money for the new banners, t-shirts, handouts, cameras, lighting and other gear they already have? How much is enough? How many community producers are signed up this year versus past years? Where are the sponsors? Where are all the advertising revenues they promised?

  11. Just like any dirty politician, they will lie about what they did, then try to blame others, and attempt to close the book by taking some remedial steps to change things only to make it appear like they are trying to correct the problems. It is all just political rhetoric to cover up the corruption, irresponsibility, and negligent behavior of our local Racine officials.

    Even the Racine Ethics Board itself has acted extremely unethically in their actions and political affiliations. To no surprise, and for their own greed, our own city attorneys have also turned their back on the community and the law leading to further deterioration of morals, ethics and fair practices. Here are just a few links for more information…

    Racine Equality Project Press Conference

    Racine Equality Project Documents

    A Matter of Trust

    The Case of CAR25

    Mary Mary Quite Contrary
