Friday, August 30, 2013

Eenie Meenie Miley Ho

In case you missed the "performace:"


  1. Disturbing and disgusting. This soft porn and totally loose morals shown on television is how we set the definition of "normal" and a role model for our children.

  2. She's been leading up to this for a while. What do we expect when we make people stars because of a sex tape. Crazy.

  3. I think I have said It before, but very few things disgust me, but when It comes from barely out of their teens girls, I draw the line. My oldest grandchild just went off to college In LaCrosse today. She Is only 60 some miles away, but It might just as well be a thousand. Great kids are scary to manage. Never do you want them to end up like Miley Is now.

  4. She wasn't attractive, but I'm sure this is someone's idea of "success." She got a ton of publicity.

    It's kind of sad, what some people will do for attention.
