Wednesday, August 28, 2013

"Furlough day on Friday, what’s closed"

From RacineUncovered:

"Another furlough day is upon the City of Racine. The following offices/buildings will be closed on Friday.
City Hall, 730 Washington Ave., and the Racine Public Library, 75 Seventh St.. Other city buildings and offices will be closed on Friday as well, but the public counter at the Racine Police Department, 730 Center St. will be open. There is also no garbage pick up. The library will also be closed the entire Labor Day weekend, their website will not be available since employees man it to respond to questions/requests "

Read more:


  1. A four day Labor Day weekend for some.

  2. I never got a 4 day Labor Day weekend when I worked for the city. Must be nice.
