Friday, August 16, 2013

Open Blog - Friday

Good day, mates!


  1. # 1 out of the box
    have a great day irregulars.

  2. good morning, Legal and all my other irregular family :)

  3. Did not burn any midnight oil but was swimming at 1030 pm and walked until past dark by the sea. It was just shark week and did not go in there during feeding time..
    Teaching granddaughter to be a runner and swimmer.
    Had to burn off the those tropical cocktails!

  4. I believe I could be 6th but then again, Beejay repeated herself.

    It's FRIDAY. Have a good day everyone.

  5. BLB- have a couple tropical cocktails for me down there.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend.

    We go to get Harley's remains today when Drew gets off of work!

  6. THB. I will have several for you. What did I miss re: Harley ? Sounds like a sad/bad event? Another reason to have yet another drink.
    Lethal Stranger I mean Legal..... Box? What do you meanie who
    What why where when?

  7. Lucky number seven. What a gorgeous day! I've been out and back and ready to get back out again. Whew!

  8. Dang, I slept for 16 hours. What's the matter with me?
