Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Open Blog - Tuesday

The pomes of a hawthorn.


  1. A fleshy fruit is a pome...... I don't wanna be that !
    Let us be perky cupcakes since we are up... It's an hour later here.

    Unless you meant the poems of Hawthorne?

  2. What's shaken BLB....

    I think its bed time...maybe

  3. Storming up north again. I hope THB's family is alright.

  4. Eyes wide open, but so tired . I've been getting this
    Lately! I should have we t out on the town!

    Greetings SER and Orbs!

  5. I hope the rest of you have fallen asleep. Now it is my turn.

    Pome is the word in French for apple. Pome de terre is the word for potato, meaning apple of the earth. So now you know if it ever comes up in conversation... or you find yourself on Jeopardy.

  6. I'm baaack!
    With the heat coming and the air in the car non reliable, I pulled out of IN at 5:30, got home just after 7, traffic was cruisin'! Just got to go with the flow and hope there's not a dam ahead :)

  7. Welcome back Lizardmon. Hope you had a very nice Anniversary!

    Pommes de la Route =. Road apples

  8. Hello. Another hot muggy day here. Apparently summer decided to wait until the last week in August to give us hot temps and no rain.

    Have a good day everyone. Once you get up that is.

  9. Daddy Orbs- I haven't heard anything with the storm from my mom and she always said no news is good news. I just hope everything is alright with them. I will find out later because I was going to call her tonight.

    LM- We are glad you are home safe and in one piece.

    Mary- Weather is just as bad here. On the news they have a heat advisory here with the humidity the temps in places could get to 100.

  10. 91 degrees at 1pm with the humidity of 147%

  11. Heat index right now is 102 according to the weather channel. I stepped out and almost spontaneously combusted. Yikes. If you don't have air conditioning, fill the tub with cool water. Stay safe!

  12. Awaiting Bedtime Games but fearing the worst.
    Kk ends her vacation I think. I think she would be very crabby

  13. The fruit of hawthorn shrubs and trees are called pomes.

    Welcome back, lizardmom.

    I was out about 5 pm. Hot hot hot. Like Mary said, we're getting clobbered at the end of August.

    kk, do you have a/c at work? I think not. Be careful.

  14. Pommes de la Route =. Road apples


    So is the fruit of the horse called road apples

    manzanas de caballos

  15. Wow THB.... You snapped that one right on the line. Drew and Legal should hang all their Dirty Laundry out .. And then perhaps Kk too! Everything comes out in the wash
    as the saying goes. Will the clothes fit back in the closet with all the skeletons in there?
    Funnin' y'all
    Hugs to all!!
