Saturday, August 3, 2013

Open Blog - Weekend

You go, Stewie!


  1. Have a great weekend irregulars.
    And if you have the time, make sure you remember giggles the fawn when you write Kathy Stepp about the derelict Wisconsin DNR.

  2. wow, I thought we agreed not to post pics from our get-togethers *blushing*
    Hubby was fortunate enough to have off today, so he came home yesterday, an extra day with him makes me smile (at least when he's not snoring like an angry bear mob... hehe)

  3. Not 1, but 2 parties today. I'll be exhausted. Party on, Irregulars.

  4. Legal, WRITE Kathy Stepp. You really don't think she gives a shit. Rules baby Rules. These overpowered pricks will do whatever they want. They don't save anything but their JOBS.

  5. Party on Irregulars. I'm going shopping on this "tax free" weekend.

  6. That poor fawn, such a beautiful and innocent animal... Too many people think they have all the power if they own guns. This sickens me with anything innocent...animals, children, people in general. Also, another point... If you love animals that much, stop talking about shooting them ( pets) if they haven't had proper training and take a pee on the floor when you don't pitch in to help in care and training . Laziness prevails in humans. People want pets , and don't want to do the work. People have guns and turn into assholes with self appointed power.... Bad cops out there... Bad citizens... The world is f'ing crazy

  7. Btw... KK have fun with that midget out there at that party. I'll be attending a funeral luncheon and not as lucky as you in general, but planning on making my cup run etch over soon. Tired of such a boring work filled life. It's all gonna change!

    May the bridges I burn light the path for my future!!!! Hehehe

  8. BLB, I LOVE your comment. So accurate It's scary.

  9. Toad.

    DNR wrote me a citation the other day $213.50....bastards

    I can't really discuss why at this time...a case of 'on going investigation'.....oh boy

  10. One of the times my mother went into surgery, I noticed a large note on her that said: DNR. I thought, "What does the Department of Natural Resources have to do with surgery?" Then I was informed it stood for: Do Not Resuscitate, in case she died on the table.

    Looks nice out. Everyone have a good day.

  11. I for one am quite perplexed by the charges against you SER. One can only imagine what no good you've been up to. Your the first person I've ever known who was busted by the DNR.

  12. The Starving Artist Fair is supposed to have food. I haven't had a brat yet this summer. Maybe I can get one (or two) there.

    Last year, Top Dog Hot Dog's cart was at the fair. I don't expect it this year.

  13. Top Dog was at one of the music things going on this summer at monument square.. Got ourselves some great dogs, it seems like maybe they are working together with someone who sells food down closer to the fountain.. cant remember the name..

  14. Caleb, the man who owns Top Dog, also has the contract for the food stand by the boat launches.

    A friend told me today that he was sure he had seen the Top Dog cart in downtown. Now I'm jonesing for a Chicago dog again.
