Saturday, August 31, 2013

Open Blog - Weekend

Enjoy the weekend.


  1. wow, I thought I only had bizarre dreams when I slept in. Found out that theory isn't true after all. I dreampt that instead of life as I know it, I had 6 girls in one shot... and we had no idea what to name them or how to tell them apart - still... after a month...yikes!

  2. Tattoo numbers on their foreheads.

    Is there some way that we could get the JTI designated as a gang? Then we could apply for gang diversion grants and pay ourselves to not break the law.

    Enjoy Labor Day Weekend!

  3. What? Gang diversion grants? I'm pretty sure we could qualify as a gang. All we'd have to do is submit our post get-together blogs, our road trip blogs, pictures of our clubhouse, and the "books" from bedtime games. I say we get some spray paint and get busy with some JTI tagging. Do you think our age will be a detriment?

    Liz... not such an "out there" freaky dream. I still wonder if maybe in the early days I didn't mix mine up. Shhhhhh.

  4. I wonder if I would qualify with everyone else even though I am down here. I would think so as we have a number of gangs here.

  5. I really did not want to take the fifth but waited all day
    And no one else posted. I think JTI has the potential
    For rehabilitation with government funding to achieve that goal. We have many gang related activities , as in
    Allowing multiple votes, pay offs, printing of JTI cash.
    Then again.... I think KK would be the only one found guilty

  6. I knew identical twins in high school who would attend each others classes. Classmates could tell them apart, but the teachers couldn't.

    Hard core JTI gang members will get our logo tattooed on themselves.

  7. And really hard core will do it themselves on their knuckles.

  8. You guys are getting good.... One blog is about teenie weenies.

    And the next is about. Ernie Meenie.

  9. Gee, BLB. Thanks for throwing me under the bus by myself! That's it, I'm not sharing the rehabilitation grant money, I'm saving it for bail.

  10. Oh sorry Kk,,,,, but I would save you or bail u out after you tell me where to find the cash. I'm sure someone
    Could help with plea bargaining down to a class B from life imprisonment or Capitol punishment. We care!

  11. BL Basketcase said...
    "And really hard core will do it themselves on their knuckles."

    Let's have a get-together where we all tattoo each other. Everybody bring your needles and inks.

    * * * * *

    BL Basketcase said...
    "You guys are getting good.... One blog is about teenie weenies.

    "And the next is about Eenie Meenie."

    Great observation!
