Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"Squirrels - Pre-production Sales Trailer"

CAUTION: Violent scene


"When a young man’s estranged father is killed under suspicious circumstances, he returns home for the first time in years to get to the bottom of the mystery. Hoping to uncover some logical explanation, he instead finds his mom’s sleazy new boyfriend, a natural gas company buying up the town, an angry female sheriff who happens to be his ex-girlfriend, and an army of flesh-eating squirrels hellbent on destroying everything in their path due to an erosion of their food chain as a result of environmental destruction by the gas company."

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They're serious.  A movie about killer squirrels.

How about Killer Go-Go Squirrels vs. the Nazis? 


  1. The birds are ripped off? I've never liked squirrels... nothing but tree rats.

  2. I like Squirrels, and can hardly wait for their revenge.

    KK, They are rodents, but they actually can be trained. I wouldn't do It, but I don't ruin their habitat either.

  3. The Birds was nuanced by Hitchcock's genius. I suspect that this will be more along the lines of Larry the Cable Guy fare.

    I fed squirrels for years. They get into the dumpster in back and pick over everyone's garbage. Every now and then, one gets lucky and finds a half-eaten pork chop or some pizza. Yummy-yum.

  4. Let's see-killer sharks, killer snakes, killer birds, killer bees, killer whales and now killer squirrels? What's next killer butterflies? I'll pass.

  5. Ummmmm
    They are wicked little things, but I love watching the white ones here. Seems unusual to see a grey one now!
    After Minnie died we fed them, putting peanuts out and even got some of those bungie cord feeders. They were all over! Take the peanut, bury the peanut, take the peanut, bury the peanut.. Yard was full of holes! Digging up my flowers.
    Now, with Suzie, she keeps them at bay. It's like a game for her I think! I honestly can say I never heard a squirrel 'bitch' chatter until I heard these white ones! Noisy little buggers.

  6. I hear them chatter occasionally, usually when they've encountered another animal. You're right about the holes.
