Monday, August 12, 2013

"Swedish men told to beware testicle-munching fish"

"Experts have warned Swedish men to keep their swimming trunks on if taking a dip in a sound off the country's southern coast, after a South American fish known for attacking testicles was discovered in the area."

"'Keep your swimwear on if you're bathing in the Sound these days - maybe there are more out there!' cautioned the National History Museum in neighbouring Denmark.

"The freshwater fish, which can grow up to 90 centimetres and weigh up to 25 kilogrammes, has been nicknamed the 'ball cutter' for its attacks on the male genitalia.

"In areas where pacus proliferate, fishermen have reportedly bled to death after losing their testicles to the fish's crushing jaws.

"Found in most rivers in the Amazon and Orinoco basins in South America, they have also been spotted in Papua New Guinea, where it is believed they have been introduced to boost fish stocks. Discoveries have also been reported in several US states; in 2006, officials at one Texas lake reportedly put a $100 bounty on the pacu caught there.
"But this is the first time a pacu has been caught at sea in Europe, the museum said."

Read more:

Watch out, Why Not.  Tell your husband to put on a football cup before he goes swimming.

"In areas where pacus proliferate, fishermen have reportedly bled to death after losing their testicles to the fish's crushing jaws."  Yeow! 


  1. So your toes are safe? Must be a delicacy? Yikes.

  2. I wish I could describe my husbands face when I showed him this.

  3. ow ow.. luckily it's too cold to go swimming now.. crazy stuff

  4. that would make you say oh shit...
