Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Useless Information

The HEMTT A3 (Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck) is built by Oshkosh Truck Company, Oshkosh, WI for the US Military.  It is an 8 X 8 vehicle, all wheel drive.

It will climb and descend a 60% grade.  For a person to climb a 60% grade they will need a rope to pull themselves up or crawl on all 4.  You cannot stand going up or down that steep of a hill.


  1. I hope they'll let me take the truck up. No way could I make it up that incline on my own.

  2. Thank you SER, this actually brought back fond memories.

    Back in Engineering school( which by the way I finished dead last in the class, and that ain't easy to do)

    I remember in my Fundamental Theorem of Trigonometry class we had to study this issue.

    I recall that the arm of a right triangle was equal to the area of elevation whereas the area of inclination of a line was normal with the minor axis of a hyperbola, if the symmetric angle of the y-axis is in line with the triangle inequality of absolute value then you must have horizontal shrinkage.

    Go ask George Constanza about shrinkage.

  3. Wouldn't it be fun to have one of these to drive around and deal with the assholes on the road. 8 wheel drive - you could run over anything.

  4. I was thinking it is time for a road trip.

  5. I tried putting jed's text into google translate, and even they couldn't recognize the language.

    Mary, great idea! ;>

  6. Jed's theorom is like this:
    The angle of the dangle, compounded by the mass of the ass............

  7. That's what they call Higher Math.

  8. Get one of those coming at ya, they'll hang up the dang cellphone.
