Thursday, September 19, 2013

Everyone needs at least one good piece of advice per day!!

How to hold on and not fall on the bus


  1. You'd think Serena Williams has enough money to take a limo or something.

  2. I won't say what came to my mind when I first saw this except I will repeat what Madame said, oh my.

  3. That should help with the corners. Lmao, jed.

  4. I wonder what other uses that thing has?

    You could use it as a bike rack.
    Or if her arms are loaded with groceries, she could use it to open the door.
    It could be used to hold the third triplet.

  5. This just in! Several people were injured late last night during a twerking competition. A contestant only known as Bunzie lost control during the contest injuring dozens of spectators. Several had to be treated at the local hospital.
    Most injuries were bruises and a few broken bones. One patron had 2nd degree burns on 20 percent of her body. Fortunately there were missing limbs.

    The woman, dressed in red, made a hasty exit and was last seen running west on 6th street. However she could be heard several blocks away. Some described the sound as thunderous applause.

  6. We have no shortage of comedians today

  7. Find something to believe in and hold onto it.

  8. Is that known as Excessive Boodie Syndrome?
