Wednesday, September 11, 2013

"'Corruptstitution' by 'WithinbetweeN' New 2013 Hard Rock Political Corruption Protest Videos Songs"

Posted per request by legal stranger.


  1. A song both Harry and drew can enjoy together at Lenny's

  2. Lot's of truth, but they can't spell LOSE. Why can't people spell LOSE? Our hands are tied. Nobody WE have elected Is willing to listen to us. Call your Congressperson/Senator LOL

  3. Grammar and spelling are loose, Toad.

    We've made it the norm to defame and attack anyone who runs for political office. What person with a sane mind would want to serve the public anymore? You get only the perverts, over inflated egos, power mongers, and crooks. Hello, Anthony Weiner.

  4. KK, I will alway's admit Grammer was NEVER a forte of mine. Punctuation sucks also, so I add lots of comma;s. I do however try my best to spell correctly, and lose Is one of the words I see mis-spelled most often In Facebook.

  5. Oh oh, grammer police are back

    As for honest people running for office, that is a rarity, but always encouraged and welcome.
