Friday, September 6, 2013

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone and welcome back! Sorry for a late start. After working loads of ten hour days, it's finally nice to have a day off and sleep in. I guess I was more tired than I expected. Anyways, some questions for you...

1) How do you celebrate your own birthday?

2) What was the last TV show/movie you recorded?

3) Do you ask for receipts when you make a purchase?

4) How often do you buy lottery tickets/scratch offs?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1. Well, I'll be watching the Packer game on Sunday which is my birthday.

    2. I recorded The Daily Show with Jon Stewart the other night.

    3. Yes. As a matter of fact I returned some pants this week and it makes it a lot easier if you have a receipt.

    4. I buy a lottery ticket every week.

    Thanks Drew

  2. 1. I'm at an age, I really don't celebrate birthdays anymore. My twin thinks they are a big deal?

    2. The events of 9-11-01

    3. Yes

    4. I perhaps spend an average of $2.00 a month on the Lottery.

  3. SUNDAY, SUNDAY, U.S. 30 DRAGSTRIP Remember that one Mary?

  4. 1) I go on strike from cooking and cleaning the whole weekend of my birthday.

    2) Under the Dome for Drew because of working overtime.

    3) All the time so I can take care of the checkbook.

    4) Only when the Powerball is up high enough.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  5. 1) I don't celebrate my birthdays anymore.

    2) I don't record TV or movies, but I used to burn copies of movies that I liked on DVDs.

    3) Yes.

    4) Like THB, only when the jackpot is super high. I bought one a few weeks ago for the $400 million one. I can't afford the lottery - it's a tax on the poor.

    Thank you, drew. I'm glad you got the rest you needed. Enjoy your day off.

  6. 1. Quiet celebration. Usually a dinner I don't have to cook. Neat that all my farming friends from around the world wish me well in many different languages on Facebook. And, of course, you guys. The love is amazing.

    2. I don't record anything, anymore. Nothing so important that if I miss it, oh, well...

    3. Yes. I usually go through it item for item. Have you noticed some stores give you almost a roll of tape, now? Wasted advertising and coupons you'll never use.

    4. I don't buy them.

  7. Speaking of coupons. Does anybody have a problem with the word Q-pon, or Is It just ME? Ron White calls the Coo-Puns. The young girl at Kame-a-part said Q-pon yesterday, as the machine spit out 2 yards of coupons.

  8. Of the stores I shop at, K-mart always has the longest cash register receipts. I tell them that they are killing trees.

    Never heard of Qpons until now. Everyone tries to be cute or witty or unique.

  9. 1. No birthday celebration's , just another day.
    2. Don't record tv or radio, but I do record corrupt government officials and conspiring people. Got some doosey recordings.
    3. Only when I charge.
    4. I am a high roller, bought lottery tickets twice.

    Thanks Drew for the time.

  10. 1. take the day off of work, and be a bum
    2. Ironside and Big Brother
    3. if I use my debit card, otherwise, no
    4. never

  11. 1) I don't

    2) don't know, it's been over 10 years ago

    3) always ask

    4) just randomly, maybe once a month

  12. 1) A quiet day to myself.

    2) Had Tender Heart record "Under the Dome" for me.

    3) Yes!

    4) A couple of tickets when the Powerball is up there.
