Thursday, September 5, 2013

Poll: Kenosha Casino?

From JSOnline:  

"Feds approve plans for Menominee casino in Kenosha"

"The Menominee tribe's plans for an off-reservation Indian casino in Kenosha were approved Friday by the U.S. Interior Department — an action that immediately sparked lobbying efforts aimed at Gov. Scott Walker, who has veto power over the project.

"Craig Corn, Menominee tribal chairman, said he was told his tribe's application was approved Friday afternoon in an unexpected call from Kevin Washburn, Interior Department assistant secretary for Indian affairs.

"The tribe has been trying to open a casino at the now-shuttered Dairyland Greyhound Park in Kenosha since the mid-1990s.

"'I said, 'Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you," Corn said. "'The Creator was looking kindly at us today'.

"'The next step,' Corn added, 'is Gov. Walker.'

"Soon after Corn received word of the feds' approval, the Menominee launched a website — — that urges people to contact Walker and 'Please ask Governor Walker to say YES.'

"The Forest County Potawatomi tribe has been fighting the Kenosha proposal for years, fearing it would cut into business at the Potawatomi Bingo Casino near Miller Park.

"The Menominee website claims the Kenosha project would create about 3,300 permanent jobs and 1,400 construction jobs. The Potawatomi tribe contends that a like number of permanent jobs would be lost in Milwaukee."

Read more:

The Racine angle on this, of course, is the hope for jobs.  One commenter made an interesting point.  He said that Potawatomi is as far from Racine as this proposed casino would be.  What has Potawatomi done for Racine's unemployment?


  1. I'm all for it. I don't go to Milwaukee because it's such a pain in the ass to drive to it.

  2. When I first heard about it, I was for it. Now, I'm not so sure. If there are definite jobs for Racine residents, then I'm for it. If not, then I'm still not against the casino - I don't care. It's a Kenosha issue and let them deal with it.

    I'm not in favor of banning things just because they can be addictive. People can have problems with all sorts of substances and behaviors. Write it into the contract that the casino has to spend a certain percentage or amount each year to be used for treatment and education.

    I know people with gambling addictions. It's the only vice I don't have. I don't care for it. It seems strange to me that people get addicted to gambling, but that's because I'm not addicted to it. I completely understand drinking until you drop, then getting up and drinking some more. Rinse, repeat.

  3. If they are going to allow off reservation gaming, let's stop the charade and make it legal, like in Vegas. Why should it be okay for one group and not for the good of us all? Id like no or lower taxes like they have in Vegas.

    Walker will vote yes. He is desperate to claim any potential job creation numbers.

  4. Shawano has about five casinos in their area. (Of course, it's right next the Menominee Reservation) The one in Keshena gets BIG business. The parking lot is always full, packed with tourists. I can see the oblivious revenue being generated here.

    That being said, it not usual to hear stories of many Shawano residents blowing entire paychecks there.

  5. It not usual to hear stories of many Shawano residents blowing entire paychecks there.

    What's the difference between a resident of Shawno and a resident of Racine?

    Shawno residents have a paycheck to blow!

    More information on the Casino from the Menominees Site:

    Kenosha Casino
