Friday, September 13, 2013

Open Blog - Friday

Be very careful out there.


  1. Yes indeed.

    Be very careful out there!

    Join President Barack Obama and Senator Tammy Baldwin in kickstarting WWIII.

    Begin HERE

    Hey Hey Tammy ! What do you say?

    Stand UP! and say NO!

  2. I work a very short cutsie shift this morning, then home to catch up on cleaning. To feel human, I have to double up on the benadryl (knocks me out) and go to bed super early (3:30pm...), like being in a non stop zombie state.Oh allergies, how I loathe you..........

  3. Zombies are very popular right now so you'd fit right in.

    Everyone have a great day.

  4. LM- I thought that was the way you are all the time being a Zombie! LOL

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  5. Hello and goodbye. I'm being kicked off. Seems the carpet is in for this room.

  6. Okay, I have a question for my Irregular friends because I need to know if I'm the one with the "issue".

    In the past year, 2 of my nephews and 1 niece have died. Why are they still listed on Facebook? It is just creepy to me.

  7. Mary, nobody deleted the facebook account.

  8. Thanks Legal! It is still creepy.

  9. Black cats for sale....actually they're fire crackers

  10. It's Friday the 13th alright. Nothing but bad news for me.

  11. Hey I forgot. This morning while getting ready for work and watching the Today Show, they showed a tornado water spout over Kenosha. I wouldn't want to be on the lake and see that coming at me. Could be a real rush.

  12. Strange day for me... saw two Chukars at Bong this afternoon. Chukars are a not countable game birds that were released for the sole purpose of dog training. They have not established a population here in Wisconsin. Kinda of like finding a feral chicken.
