Monday, September 2, 2013

"Pattern or Practice - Shaking up the Shakedown"

Pattern or Practice is an upcoming documentary that tells "The story of how the small town of Racine waged war on African-American and Hispanic bar owners to drive them out of the changing town.The one hour documentary shows how the city has systematically and unfairly targeted minority business owners."

The movie's website is here:
It's been added to our sidebar list of Local & Area Blogs & Sites.


  1. Where or When Is the entire movie available? This certainly won't go over too well, with those In High Office. What do they say? Oh I know 1st comes the denial.

  2. I haven't kept up with it, Toad, but I believe funding is still being sought to produce a finished product.

    From what I know (that isn't much), those in power claim that this is a political ploy. They say that about everything or everyone who criticizes them.

    Unfortunately, this could come back to bite Racine in the ass big time. There's no doubt that the city administration is racist. Once everything gets appealed up to the federal level, watch out. The feds hate racism and love punishing racists. Racine will probably be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars. By that time, lying John and Two-Faced Tommy might be long gone. Either way, it's the citizens that will have to pay the fines, not the racist politicians.

    Civil rights are Dickert's Achilles' heel. I hear that he's using block grant money to buy off inner city parishes ( That's not going to stop the courts, though.

  3. The discrimination has gone so far in Racine that is has become a club of corruption, where you must side with the mayor and his pale cohorts or face the consequences including running people and financing scampaigns against you or your supporters, changing business and licensing requirements, changing property assessments and fees, manipulating contracts and projects, providing grants and breaks to your competitors, and more.

    Anyone who speaks against them is directly targeted and attacked by manipulating the press and spreading false information to discredit you wherever and whenever possible. The list of victims in Racine are adding up under this administration.

    They do not care about the law, ethics, morals, or the community. They only care about their own power, giving each other more power, and distributing any money they can to their friends and family. It is sad and sickening.

    This documentary will shed some light on the situation, but there is much more to come, and more people to come forward. This administration continues to discriminate, and attempts to ruin people's lives, businesses, organizations, and the Racine community.

    Every day they remain in office, the community will continue to suffer.
