Sunday, September 8, 2013

Useless Information

Did you Know:
The “F-Word” was used 271 times in the movie Pulp Fiction?


  1. Is that all? I beat that every time I change the oil and grease the truck.

  2. Some people love this movie. I had to turn it off. The language and violence were just too much.

  3. KK, Did you read the story In the JT regarding the Stempe murder In 1968? The stupid newspaper couldn't even get the street right two times. They wrote Hamilton Ave. once, and Hamilton St. once. Idiots. Purpose of this writing, Is, I was going to use the "F" I could have used It effectively FOUR times. Dumb Fs, I remember that murder. It was the year I graduated, and knew her, and her sister. I think It's another one of those, they probably know who did It, but can't prove It?

  4. I am not opposed to the use of the F word. I am not opposed to violence in movies or sexual content, either. They all have their place when it is warranted. I find it repulsive when it is gratuitously used, just to make a buck or excessively used just for thrills.

  5. I wish TWC had one channel where all the movies with cuss words and killing and mayhem can play.

    To me it's like a go-go (or whatever they call them now days) bar; if you don't like them, don't go in, and don't bitch about them.

    If all the nasty movies where on one channel parents could 'block' that channel from the children.

  6. I actually liked the movie, even though Tender Heart hates it.

  7. I like Quentin Tarantino's films, but the characters get aimlessly talky in some of his later ones. I thought Django Unchained was good, but I read that some blacks were upset with the constant use of the word 'nigger' in the film. I think Tarantino was trying to be historically accurate. It's hard to make a film about a slave and slavery in the pre-Civil War South without using the n-word a lot. Jamie Foxx didn't seem to mind it.
