Friday, September 27, 2013

"'We Are Brothers' By Baddy Paris and Rufus Starlight. A Best Man Song."

Published on Sep 23, 2013
"At his wedding we pleaded for our brother not to leave us, in the only way we knew how to say it; through the the medium of 80s music and video. We thought we'd done ok, but he left us anyway.

"Robin & Helen: we wish you many many years of love and happiness! Xxxxxx

"Do not forget. You are our brother!

"Our heartfelt thanks to everyone on the team who sweated blood to make this work, Hal, Elisabeth, Djaave K and Zoe and especially Ferris & Gavin; without their genius Baddy wouldn't look half as cool.

"If you want to indulge in, or just spread the love..."
Follow us: @rufusstarlight,

Lyrics and more:

What a great tribute.  What a great song.  What a great video. 

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