Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my sisters and brothers!  How are you?  I was outside yesterday morning around 8 AM.  It was cold, the wind from the north cutting through everything in its path.  I don’t think it’s going to get any better in the foreseeable future.  According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac: “2013–2014 U.S. Weather Highlights Frigid Winter With Bitter Cold and Heavy Snow,”   Just what we need.  Oh dear.

Joy and elation spread throughout Packer land this Sunday past as Green Bay defeated the Cleveland Browns.  Next up this Sunday are the Packers’ perennial foes, the Minnesota Vikings.  That’s the team that Mr. Brett Favre defected to.  May they never be forgiven!  Ravage and decimate the Vikings, o wondrous Packers!

In the Irregular Football League, Mr. OrbsCorbs’ Orbliterators have been knocked down to second place by Mr. Hale-Bopp’s Half-Astrophysicists.  My Screaming Psychics have slipped to third place.  Congratulations Mr. Hale-Bopp!  May the best woman or man win.

The image at right was submitted to me by a Mr. I. P. Nightly.  Thank you, Mr. Nightly, for keeping the oldest psychic joke in the universe alive and unwell.

I have a confidential message for Mr. GregR that I channeled last night.  The message is, “Thank you so much!  You’ll never know what a help you’ve been.  I’ll pay it forward when I have the opportunity.”  The source didn’t identify him/her/itself, but did relay that the recipient would know who it came from.  You know, I make only $2 on these confidential messages that do not involve my input.  Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it.     

I’ve been following the story out of Greece about the young, fair haired, blue-eyed girl found with a Roma family.  She was taken into protective custody and her parents were jailed. Unfortunately, this plays right into the stereotype of Gypsies kidnapping children.  We don’t need anymore bad press.  We’ve been getting it for thousands of years.  Set my people free, Lord!

Ahem. Locally: “More staff cuts for city,” Mr. Mayor Dickert’s proposed budget cuts much needed staff from different departments while spending more money on himself and his friends.  Oh my!  You should be ashamed of yourself, Mr. Mayor. Where are your morals?

In the spirit of the season, here is “The Real Story of Halloween:”

Thank you so much for reading my blog today.  I love visitors from all over the internet and from all over the universe.  Love is the solution to all of our problems.

Halloween queries? Contact:

I still see people wearing shorts.  R U NUTS?  Soon it will be cold enough to freeze up my personal plumbing.  Be careful as the days grow shorter.  Watch out for school buses and kids.  Pantophobia!   


  1. Thanks for the words of wisdom Mdme Z.
    Greg is appreciative of the notice.

    Not too many blonde haired gypsies that frequent Racine that I know of.

    Received the Illuminati invitation, is it true Walgreens has the best price on our basic meeting supplies?

  2. What happened to Office Depot, Mme. Z? I went there and it's a fitness gym now.
