Saturday, October 5, 2013



  1. Other drivers are one of my pet peeves. Earlier this evening, I was heading north on Main St. downtown. As I approached State and Main, a driver from the east hit the gas to cut in front of me on Main. I don't mind that. What I minded was after that, the driver did 20 mph. Why go to the effort to cut in front of someone only to block him?

  2. What gets me are the retirees who are out and about at 6:30 in the morning and driving 20 mph.

  3. I'm with you 100% Orbs. People are nuts when behind a wheel. Saw a guy texting with his dog in his lap in a 45mph zone. You can't fix stupid.

  4. I think the skill levels drop with each generation. I seriously don't understand how some people get a license. It's obvious they don't know how to drive. Who passed them? Or are they all driving without one?
