Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fall Colors

I know I have been saying that I have taken some Fall color pictures. The thing is I have and been wanting to get them posted to you before they go away. So here are some of the pictures I have taken.

                                This picture I had taken at Prichard Park by the baseball field.

                         This picture I had taken at Prichard Park by the entrance to the park. 

                         This picture I had taken at Johnson Park in the back by the picnic area.

                        This picture I had take at Johnson Park in the back by the football field.

I took these pictures this past Friday after I took my daughter to Oshkosh and after seeing Drew on his last break. I just didn't want to go home and then go back out to pick Drew up from work so I decided while I am waiting to pick Drew up I would go and get some Fall pictures to share with everyone. I did go to one other park but nothing to take a picture of. I also found a nice spot to sit and get some bird pictures at Johnson Park and I did take a couple of pictures for Drew too. I hope everyone enjoys the pictures just as much as I enjoy going out and taking them to share with everyone!


  1. I still wanna cut my neighbor's tree down because of all the damn leave fall in my yard....grrrrrr

  2. Thanks, THB.

    They are pretty, but I hate to think of the winter to follow.

  3. SER- I know what you are talking about with the leaves. I had to help my mom with her place and my sister's place raking all the leaves. That is a job in itself.

    Daddy Orb's- I know what you are talking about because I hate the cold weather along with the nasty white stuff and the ice. I will not say that nasty S word.

    Thank you both for the comments and I am glad you enjoy the pictures.
