Thursday, October 24, 2013

"Miniatur Wunderland *** official video 2012 *** largest model railway / railroad of the world"

Thanks to Toad for sending me a link to this.


  1. I've always thought these miniature railroad villages were kinda neat...

  2. The work put into this was very labor intensive and tedious! Loved the video!

  3. I like model trains, too. I'd love to see this in person.

  4. That is super cool. Chicago Science and Industry Museum had a very large miniature railroad, but it was nowhere near as complicated nor as large as this. Thanks for sharing. I'd love to see it. Can you imagine how fun it would be to create these scenes. What a neat job.

  5. that is way cool, I too would love to see it live.

    what a job, play with toys all day.

    Their control center could darn near put NASA to shame.

  6. completely mind blowingly amazing, wow, the thought, time and work to make this happen, astounding!
