Thursday, October 31, 2013

One of the Other Comets: Lovejoy

Comet ISON seems to be getting all the love right now, but this morning I went for Comet Lovejoy. This is C/2013 R! Lovejoy (not to be confused with the one he discovered in 2011 or the other two comets Lovejoy also discovered) and discovered back in September of this year. It is currently high in the morning sky a couple hours before dawn not far from the bright star Procyon.

I went out this morning and got the following shot with my Canon 60D, EF-s 55-250mm zoom lens at 55mm and f/4, ISO5000 and 30 seconds on an iOptron SkyTracker. Procyon is the bright star at the right and the faint fuzzy comet is on the far left of this image.

So although ISON is getting all the hype, don't forget there are some other pleasing sites out there. Universe today just had an article on the four morning comets currently visible. These will provide some rich morning observing...if I can keep dragging myself out of bed that early!

For more on Comet Lovejoy, check out the Universe Today primer.

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.


  1. You have to click on the image to see Procyon.

    Thanks for the pic, hale, and thanks for the link to four comets haunting the Halloween skies.

  2. Still can't believe you can go out and shoot these pictures with a camera. Spectacular!
