Monday, October 14, 2013

Open Blog - Monday

Good advice.


  1. Ya gotta have a Monday so you know how great Friday really is...!!!

  2. morning everyone!
    I'm cold and kicking myself in the a$$ for not taking advantage of the high 70 temps last week to finish off the yard work, and decorations and all the outside stuff I should have done.
    And Dave is sick.
    Can I whine or what?

  3. good morning! After a good nights sleep and must rest yesterday, trying to fight off a wicked headache, I'm feeling strangely wide awake this morning, kinda nice!

  4. Pouring rain here with temps in the 50's by the weekend. I'll take the rain and the 70's.

    Have a good day everyone.

  5. Wait till you hear this one. (lizardmom) brought It up. I have had a SEVERE neck and headache for the last 25 years. I have been to so many doctors, It's not even funny. About a week and a half ago, I was laid back In my recliner thinking about my pain, and what one thing I do that I have done for all of those years. The ONLY thing I have done consistently for 25 years, Is take 800mg of Ibuprofen four times a day. It helped for about the first 10 years, but started to fade away, so about a week and a half ago, I decided to stop taking the Ibuprofen, and see what happens. WELL, I have NOT had a SERIOUS bout of pain since? I look at the side effects of Ibuprofen on the net, and NOTHING Is stated about headaches or other PAIN as a side effect. Now I need a lawyer to sue the 6 or so doctors that did NOTHING all of that time, and collected many, many thousands of dollars, all they ever did, was tell me I was going to ruin my liver taking all of that Ibuprofen. Go figure.

  6. Ibuprofen is hard on the stomach, too. I've taken it for body aches for years, but I've cut back since my kidney problems. For awhile I was using acetaminophen (Tylenol), but I swear that stuff does nothing.

  7. Acetaminophen works very well for me. I don't like Ibuprofen, it make me feel kinda out of it.

    Toad, many people do suffer permanent organ damage from taking too much over the counter drugs. Just because they don't have a prescription, doesn't mean they can't be toxic. Ibuprofen is metabolized in the liver.

  8. When I was drinking, I took a lot of ibuprofen. Double whammy for my liver.

  9. I'm allergic to aspirin and Ibuprofen. I can only take Tylenol.

  10. I do know that taking too much Tylenol will reek havoc on the kidneys. That being said if you listen to the side effects of the drugs we do take it is quite scary.
