Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Open Blog - Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike - what day is it????

  2. Wednesday, I think. I have to go to the DR. so I can get my meds approved for the next 6 months. What a crock of shit. $250.00 just to ask me, "Well, how do we feel today"? To which I say "LOUSY thank's how bout you"? I'm gonna ask for a head to toe scan. I don't know If I want and MRI, or a Cat Scan? I'm sure she will know which one costs more. I think I have two brains, and one Is competing with the other one, causing me headaches. "If I only had a heart" Did anyone watch Ziva last night on NCIS. I think I'm gonna cry again.

  3. It's my day off and I have to work. Ugh!

  4. I'm an idiot. I don't have to work today. Went in and discovered I didn't so I'm home.
    Now I'm going to clean light fixtures. I should have stayed at work.

  5. Jed is very confused thanks to Mary... YOY would you spend time cleaning light fixtures?

    Does that fall under the being P & P rule?

    And who the hell is Mike LM?

    Jed has lots of questions today. lol

  6. Jed, go to you tube and look up the Geiko commercial with the camel, it's hilarious! woo hoo!

  7. Oh so that's what you're talking about...I'm sick of that stupid commercial, especially when they show on days other than Wednesday, there should be a

  8. I agree with Jed and that is very scary these days with him. They play that commercial to much. Sorry LM.

    Mary- I am glad you have the day off and that you have all the energy to do cleaning like that. I have Drew clean the light fixtures off because I am to dang short to do it.

    Toad- I hope everything went well with the DR. and hope you don't have to do all the tests like that!

  9. I just spent my whole weeks worth of pay at the grocery store. Grrrr.

    Speaking of money, help me to understand the logic... we paid our taxes, our money is already there to pay the workers, to open the parks, to fund the infant and children food program (WIC), to pay our military salaries, etc... but because congress can't agree on one subject (which is already law) they won't agree to cut the check and the whole government shuts down. For the first time in history, we risk defaulting on our bonds. No wonder our children can't behave. We have set a terrible example by holding our breath until the county turns blue in the face.

  10. I had a great visit with Hale Bopp. Nice to see this old friend...okay, so he's not old...he is a good time.

  11. that commercial to me is insane, I love it. I giggle my ass off every time I see it....woooohooooo :)

  12. Beejay, that's great you got to see the Boppster. It will be fabulous when we can all get together again

  13. KK, but we have money to go to war!

    We should have never never never left Viet Nam. We should have let the military do their job, not the idiots in Washington who never were in the military and really don't know shit of what we can really do!!!!!!
