Saturday, October 26, 2013

Open Blog - Weekend

Enjoy yourselves


  1. To quote the Beatles. Hello, goodbye.

  2. stupid jittery legs from the good dope... couldn't sleep, so I started tackling a big to-do list I started before trying to go to bed. knocked out about 1/4 of it, and finally was able to go to bed and sleep around 5:30, I think my days and nights are messed up after being up 25 hours Thursday into Friday... at least I was productive!

  3. I can't imagine what you go through, lizardmom. I hope you feel well/rested soon.

    I still feel weak from the kidney problems. I did labs for both my primary care doctor and the kidney specialist on Wednesday. I haven't heard anything yet. No news is good news? The last time I had bad labs, they sent the police over here.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  4. lizardmom and Daddy Orbs- I hope you both feel better soon.

  5. Those beach days are over. The thermometer is reading 28 degrees out there. Brrrr. I'm okay with it until it goes below the 32 freezing mark.

    Get well, fellow Irregulars. We hurt when you hurt.

  6. LZ & Orbs...remember, "better living through chemistry"
