Sunday, October 20, 2013

Useless Information

Did you Know:

Pryor to the model “T” Ford, people (most) never traveled more than 25 miles from their home in their entire life time.

The model “T” came in 3 colors, Black, Black and Black


  1. The automobile changed everything.

  2. Actually Henry Ford Is quoted saying "I don't care what color It Is, as long as it's Black"

  3. I don't wear Black. Guess what? I have a receipt for a Model T. from my Grandpa's old papers. I'll have to dig It up. I want to say Staufacher (sp) sold him the car?

  4. I remember back in the mid to late 50's a couple times a year we would go to Chicago to my Uncles house. That was a long trip to get there. Hours to get down to Cicero(?) Ave
