Friday, November 1, 2013

Open Blog - Friday



  1. woke up just before midnight, WIDE awake... I know if I try going back to sleep, there is no possible way I'll wake up THIS awake... so I'm up, we'll see how long I last today! Maybe it's the steroids, who knows, but I haven't even touched my caffeine and I feel like I've already downned it, wow!

  2. well, house is nice and clean.
    Dishes - done.
    floors swept and steam mopped - done.
    bathroom clean
    livingroom and nice and pretty, cleaned up after hurricane hubby....
    dusting/etc, DONE!
    2 things watched and cleared off DVR - done!
    Time to go to work, maybe I can rest there?

  3. sounds like prednisone to me....

  4. Whatever it is, I need some so that I'll clean my apartment. Better yet, give some to Charlie and let him clean the apartment.

    Happy All Saints' Day everyone.

  5. I enjoyably claim the Friday 5th... and I'm sharing with anyone interested.

    Everyone go out and be P & P. whatever that means.

    FYI...for all you insomniacs out there( you know whom you are) ya'll get an extra hour sleep this weekend.

  6. I'll slide in right after Jed since he is hosting the Friday 5th party.

    That Prednisone is a strange drug. Makes you feel super human.

  7. It's FRIDAY!!!

    If someone is cleaning, I am offering up my house.

    Have a great day everyone.

  8. Yea, I get to host a party...Now I need to delegate, let me see...

    Mary-coats, any good ones we hide
    Drew- music, sorry only rock& roll, which will include the BeeGees
    LM - food & clean up, I was going to give Mary clean up duties, but after her last post, I thought it over
    KK - party games, one being co-ed twister
    SER - exotic entertainment for those so implied
    Orbs - pinatas of politicians filled with year old candy
    Hale - the educational portion,or pre-party, if you will, before I open the 5th's.
    Legal & BLB - anything they want, who in their right mind will argue with them.
    THB - making sure everyone gets home safely, as only she can do.
    Toad, Beejay & Minnie - probably won't show up, but we will have a toast for them.

    Did I forget anyone? Also, feel free to trade any of the above responsibilities with each other, once the 5th's are flowing I will not care, but please let me know of any changes, so I can make a note of it.

  9. I also want my buddy # 6 to show up...god I love that guy.

    Is it wrong for a man to think another man is handsome? Inquiry minds?

  10. wow, roid raging is wild... work was insanely busy and I was about the only one that could keep up, I was a blur! 1/2 hour to relax then back out the door, off to get a perm and stink for a couple days, yee ha! maybe I can stink the mean and cranky people away?
    Not sure when I'll crash, still riding the prednisone wave...SER nailed that one on the nose

  11. No Jed, it is not wrong. And thanks for the coats - I can do that.

  12. Jed, someone needs to make sure no one taps on the fish tank.

  13. Good point KK, I forgot that one. Any volunteers?

  14. Pinatas of politicians filled with excrement would be more appropriate.

  15. Jed- You proved me wrong today because I had to go to Walmart and yes the Halloween candy was half off. I honestly thought it would not go on sale yet because of Trick or Treating on Sunday.

    LM- When you get energy like that again you are more then welcome to come clean our place like that. LOL

    Jed- Since I really don't drink I am more than willing to be the DD.

  16. OK Jed, we sign on, BLB will do safety, first aid and crowd control. I will watch and laugh.
