Monday, November 25, 2013

Open Blog - Monday

The same to you, Betty.


  1. brrr, good morning! (ok, I'm trying to be optimistic here!)

  2. It is not a beautiful day in the neighborhood. We have lingering ice which is not fun.
    For some reason my dog has developed a fear of the washing machine. I'm thinking that it went off kilter and it scared him. He needs to get over that stuff.
    Have a great day everyone.

  3. If the wind Is blowing, Winnie won't go out the back door. We have to put her on a leash, and take her out the front door. She got on my lap again the other night. Good grief, It's pretty bad, but not as bad as when she decides to walk around to get comfortable. She also WON'T budge, when you try to move her. I figure she Is up to about 110 Lbs. Big and happy.

  4. Share'in the fifth with all.
    A 110 lb. lap dog is more than most could handle. Even big dogs need a little lov'in.

  5. Snow! Oh no!

    I was 10 minutes late for my doctor appointment because of the snow. They were already rescheduling my appointment.

    I complained to the doc that I still feel weak. Now he says I may never completely recover. My kidneys may be scarred from the damage and this is the best I'll do. Shit.

  6. I see Betty is at it again.

    Good early evening, I don't like how dark it is already... and the snow and the cold. Legal, pour me a tall one!

  7. Toad, you crack me up with the visuals I get with Winnie. Just to see her jump on a lap! That is probably a painful thing at times for you!

  8. Toad, my dog likes attention too.
    Astro is no lap dog.
    Likes to chase illegal aliens.
    Got to go!
