Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Open Blog - Wednesday

Thank you very much.


  1. 10 hours today, and I work tomorrow as well. Yesterday was very productive so that today I can be a bum when I get home. Turkey is prepped and ready to go, timeline and instruction all made so miss froggy can handle things so everything is ready when I get home. House is mostly clean - yeah! Bacon wrapped turkey, only 34 hours and hopefully it will be as amazing as it sounds!

  2. I wonder if I can make a bacon rapped frozen pizza for turkey day?

  3. You all are making me hungry and I won't have time to eat for a while. It's my day off, except it isn't. Get my nails done and off to work. It will be a short day which means it will last for days.

    Have a good pre-holiday day everyone.

  4. I did the outside of the house work this morning, now on to make the pies... I have a date with Tom and Mr. Spud in the morning.

  5. My shrink has avoided giving me tranquilizes for fear of addiction. Because I'm so stressed out about the move, she prescribed me 15 clonazepam (Klonopin) 1 mg tablets. Taking one is like being drunk again.

  6. (Klonopin)

    That's the good stuff? Isn't it? I had an alcoholic friend who took those all the time - and he still drank lots of Miller Lite Beer. (UGH)

    I like XANAX! OOOH! I would mix it with Beer - yes, yes, it's "dangerous" LOL. My girlfriend now refuses to give me any more - Oh well.

    I'm sober these days - and I feel good. Try walking and working out - it helps and I sleep great.
