Saturday, November 2, 2013

Open Blog - Weekend

I'll take whatever.


  1. I can just hear the realtor: it is a cute fixer upper, 3 bedrooms, one, and, um, a quarter? baths.

  2. Well I was going to take a relaxing weekend as this is the first time in over a month we dont have anything going on but I dont know if I am willing to go that far.. It's pretty cold outside can you imagine what the seat is like?!?!

  3. Hi Honey. Yes, I fixed the toilet and it works great.

  4. At least he's using a toilet and not pooping directly on the porch.

  5. I can't believe that my youngest daughter is turning 21 years old on Monday. Time to see how much alcohol she will be able to handle and then go to school the next day. Oh yes!

  6. She might surprise you. Young people sometimes shrug off hangovers.
