Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A caring husband

He: “My dear, what can I help you with”?

She: “Take this bag of potatoes, peel half of them and put them in the cook pot”.


  1. That looks like an Amelia Bedelia gag.

  2. That reminds me of an English paper assignment. The assignment is to write a couple paragraphs on how to do something simple, like make a peanut butter sandwich. The teacher has students use your directions as written and it demonstrates to the class how you can't expect your readers to have any prior concepts or understanding of what your intentions are. It is usually good for a few laughs.

  3. Brings truism to the phrase:
    One picture is worth a thousand words

  4. Reminds me of a class I took. the instructor gave everyone a set amount of popsicle sticks. you had to create something out of them and when done pass you creation to the person on your right. that person had to write "assembly instructions". then take it apart and pass their instructions to the right along with the sticks. it was unreal what came out of some of those instructions...not even close. but it was good for a chuckle!
