Friday, December 13, 2013

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone and welcome back! Another week has come and gone, seemly in an orderly fashion. I know that sounds weird, but this week felt rather monotonous. Anyways, here's your questions...

1) Have you ever locked your keys in your car?

2) What season stresses you out the most?

3) What is your favorite winter activity?

4) When is the earliest you put up your Christmas decorations?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. wow, 1st!!

    1. never. However, a girl at work locked HERSELF in her car...yes, she IS that dumb... and not even blonde... she called in to work for help, they talked her thru getting out... that story will never die...
    2. winter, mainly for the driving in bad weather on treacherous roads or just the seemingly endless cold
    3. staying curled up in a blanket watching TV or movies
    4. this year was the earliest, the 2nd Tuesday of November. I have a challenge with a neighbor to see which of us will keep our tree up the longest, last year he won... I MUST try harder this year!!

  2. 1. Oh yeah.

    2. Spring and that is because of the storms.

    3. Sitting at home with the fire going.

    4. I believe I put them up around the 15th this year as it is a shorter holiday season. Or was it the week earlier. I know LM had me beat but not by much.

    Thanks Drew!

  3. 1. Yup, at the library..
    2. hmm Fall probably, lots to do make sure the kids have all the fall and winter clothes they need, lots at work..
    3. changing into my PJs and curl up under my electric blanket with a glass of wine..
    4. right after Thanksgiving which we usually do a little later here because we do it usually on the weekend after the real Thanksgiving..

  4. 1. You Betcha. Spent a long time with a coat hanger.

    2. Early Spring, and Summer with the STORMS.

    3. Don't really have one anymore.

    4. The day after Thanksgiving.

  5. 1) No, but I carry two sets of truck keys to avoid that. When I worked at an auto repair shop, we had a slim jim for opening vehicles with the keys locked inside.

    2) Winter. I've had it with the cold and the snow. I'm too old for this.

    3) Sleeping.

    4) Early November.

    Thank you, drew. Have a great weekend.

  6. 1) Have you ever locked your keys in your car?
    Yes with a rental car on vacation.
    2) What season stresses you out the most?
    3) What is your favorite winter activity?
    Going to Florida
    4) When is the earliest you put up your Christmas decorations?
    Put up???? I never took them down.

  7. 1. Of course, several times
    2. Spring, cold and damp
    3 Chestnuts , you take it from there
    4. No decoration chores for me.

    Thanks for asking Drew and
    have a great weekend irregulars.

  8. 1. No comment, anti-jinx, pinch of salt over the shoulder, knock on wood, garlic around my neck.
    2. September to June
    3. You know what Wisconsinites do to keep warm?
    4. Never until December.

  9. 1) locked your keys in your car? a few times

    2) stresses you out the most? tax season

    3) favorite winter activity? none, I hate the cold....

    4) Christmas decorations? around a week before Christmas

  10. 1) Twice. Once the car was still running!

    2) Winter. Driving in the snow, weather issues....

    3) Winter birding can be fun, especially when you find a Snowy Owl! Otherwise, it's watching movies and cuddling up with Tender Heart.

    4) Tender Heart had me bring out the Christmas decorations last weekend. We are all decked up already!

  11. Yes I know I am really late in answering the questions. I had a lot of errands to do and my daughter needed help changing a headlight. Never an end for me and I finally finished the blankets I was making for gifts and now the cookies start.

    1) Yes a couple of times.

    2) Winter with the idiot drivers and Christmas season.

    3) Hibernating out of the cold.

    4) Drew of course got this one wrong he don't know how to count the weeks. But it is the weekend of Thanksgiving.

    I hope everyone stays safe and warm this weekend.
