Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"VIDEO: Traffic cam captures massive pileup on Highway 41/45"

See: http://fox6now.com/2013/12/10/video-traffic-cam-captures-massive-pileup-on-hwy-4145/

Why do we have to relearn how to drive in the winter every year?


  1. It is very frightening to see something like this. One false move by one person and suddenly, everyone is in peril.

    The state cut funding to local municipals, so they are looking for alternate means to salt the roads. One news station mentioned that Milwaukee was going to try to use the waste brine from cheese manufacturing to spread on the roads as a low cost salting agent. I also know that budgets were cut for manpower, therefore, plowing might not be done as swiftly, since overtime hours have been eliminated.

    I know the temperatures were too low for salt to really be effective; however, no one has mentioned (that I've heard) that these huge pile ups could, in part be due to a lack of preemptive or preventative measures due to reduced budgets?

  2. I don't know if budgeting was part of the problem here.

    I dislike driving on the interstate for one reason: people drive in packs. Even in good weather, "One false move by one person and suddenly, everyone is in peril."

    I used to love driving. I dislike it now. There are too many people on the road who don't know how to drive or don't care. Lack of enforcement has greatly accelerated the problem. A cop might give you a break, but Mother Nature can be a hard taskmaster.

    Some people drive like lunatics on the highway. I've had people tailgating me when other lanes of traffic are open. They just hang on my bumper and do nothing until I switch lanes. Then they speed by. Why don't they switch lanes instead of tailgating?

    Some people zone out when driving. I had one like that tailgating me on North Main a few years ago. He was just hanging on my bumper. I switched to the right (parking) lane so he could pass, but he did the same. Wtf? A couple blocks ahead was a UPS truck parked, making a delivery. I sped toward the truck and my "friend" did the same. The UPS driver saw me approaching and waved me off, but I ignored him. At the very last second, I swerved off. You should have heard the screeching of the brakes of the guy behind me. He was zoned: not actively driving and scanning ahead, but just locked onto whatever poor soul happens to be in front of him.

    When I lived in Chicago, one morning on the way to work some nut job pulled up next to me in the parking lane at a stoplight. He was going for the hole shot where they speed off when the light changes and cut into the driving lane. Too bad for him I had a powerful car and a bad attitude.

    The light changed and we both sped off. Up ahead was a parked car, in the lane the idiot was using. We got closer and closer to that car and suddenly he started beeping for me to yield. Like hell. All he had to do was let up on the accelerator. I watched him smash into the parked car in my rear view mirror. I just kept going to work.

  3. This entire fiasco was caused by the idiot that had to travel at SPEED, and plow into the slowed vehicle. NO ONE Is to blame for this accident except ALL of the people involved EXCEPT the person that got rear ended In the beginning. Did you notice the camera had no problem seeing what was going on, YET most of the people coming upon the scene couldn't see squat. SO, WHY do you travel so reckless? Probably to get home, and have a cocktail? I don't feel sorry for anybody except the first person. How about the dumb ass people walking around the wreckage, as the cars were coming down the road too fast? I would like to know how much snow was on the interstate at this particular time. Didn't look like much, and that Is why so many left the roadway.

  4. I'm with Orbs. How could the cameras see all this but the idiots driving couldn't? Craziness.

  5. *WOW*! An amazing video. Slow down and live - look at the people milling around waiting to be struck and killed.

    I also hate driving now - people on cell phones, with unrestrained dogs or children in the car, etc.

    I'm always scanning ahead - pump the brakes and hit the flashers when the inevitable crawl comes up on 894.

    More crashes here - at the 11 foot, 8 inch bridge.

    Compilation video.

    Website: 11 Foot 8

    Slow down, pay attention, and live.

  6. amazing video, I guess i'm not surprise how people drive.

    warning after warning about the roads and they still drive like maniacs.

  7. I was watching this last night and naturally making "whoa" sounds when hubby asked what I was doing. Got my tablet out to show him and the first thing I heard was "whoa".
    At one point during the middle I think there is a car just racing down the road. Crash!

  8. I still say, show this video to every driving class the dangers of driving to fast for conditions. Maybe it'll save a life or two.
