Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Open Blog - Christmas Eve

Have a great day.


  1. busy day ahead, work, then home to prep stuff to take tonite, visit mom-in-law, quick nap if possible, then off to my mom's. tomorrow I can sleep in, just have to stop in at work and turn machines on to auto cycle themselves then home to be a bum. Merry Christmas all, hopefully the weather will be good to everybody. I have had my fill of snow for a while.

  2. another dangerously cold day, everyone be safe if you have to travel, leave early and have a happy Christmas eve

  3. Thank God we are not in Ashland Wisconsin with 3 feet of snow!

    No one magically showed up to plow my driveway yesterday and I almost had to awaken a sleeping
    giant to get me out of the driveway. I had to contend with a -1 degree temp, and icy roads
    on the way to work.

    Working and then home to more cooking and cleaning. There is literally no rest....so I must be wicked. Why even bother with turkey stuffing? Christmas is for kids, so I am going to stuff my turkey with hot dogs, ketchup, and macaroni and cheese.

    The swigging starts at 3 PM.

    I hope all of you get through the next few days!

  4. They are promising the sun again today. Yeah, they said that yesterday too. Don't see it but we are 10 degrees warmer than this time yesterday.

    Have a great Christmas Eve everyone. I'm off to work until 1 and then off until Friday. Yee haw!

  5. Happy Holidays, my friends! I have kids and my little one coming tomorrow for a small gathering. Looking forward to a nice casual celebration. Need to grab a dust cloth, get out the vacuum, figure out some refreshments and laissez les bon temps roulee.

  6. Wir alzo kooken und wir gonna rollen das beer barrel aus.
    Ich hab champagne und gut
    Krach zum scmoken. Froehliche Weinachten, mein guten Weinerschnitzels!!

  7. To all in Irregularland
    Have a safe and fun Christmas eve.

  8. Happy Christmas Eve.

    Lizardmom and BL Basketcase work too much.

    "God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen [and Ladies]"
