Friday, December 13, 2013

Open Blog - Friday



  1. glad to have a short day today!
    sounds like we could get walloped with snow tonite into tomorrow. We can hope it blows in either direction away from us but...
    From 8-10 this morning, come on out for coffee with cops. Sounds like 2 of Mount Pleasant's boys in blue will be hanging out to talk to people at work (customers, not workers). I get done as it starts but come out and visit with a couple of our finest!

  2. It's warming up outside...yeaaaaa, but it needs to get to at least 35 to keep me happy.

    Have a safe and wonderful Friday the 13th...!!

  3. Surprisingly, it is 40 degrees here and raining. Compared to last Friday when it was snowing. The streets have cleared enough that I might be able to take the dog for a walk. He's getting antsy. BTW, we don't have sidewalks in case anyone is confused.

    Oh, next Thursday they are talking temps in the 60's. On Friday they are talking snow and artic air. Geez.

    Have a safe Friday the 13th.

  4. My luck is bad enough as it is. I'm not leaving the house today.

  5. I'm with you Orb's. Head to the pool, and soak for awhile. I remember the water being nice and warm.

  6. You know how you can tell it has been bitterly cold outside? When the temps get into the 50's and you ask "do I need a coat"?

  7. You know, I haven't paid any attention to that pool since I've moved here. (Well, I got lost one day - this place is huge - and ended up letting myself back in through the pool.) I'm not used to amenities like that When things finally settle down here, I may take a dip. They have different hours for different activities in the pool, but I believe some time is put aside for guests. On the coldest day in January, I'll invite everyone over for a pool party or luau. We can send photos to Beejay

  8. Never got to blog the poem I wrote yesterday because Legal told me not to. I was a take off on the night before Christmas, but Irregular style. I did not insult anyone, but he said I should try to hide my insanity a bit harder...

  9. Better to think her insane than to prove it.

  10. What is the saying, if you say nothing, your stupidity can't be proven?

    Despite the numerical date... today wasn't any better or worse than any other day.

    A dip in a warm pool sounds great, orbs. Do we have to wear swimsuits? ;>

  11. OK... you talked me into it KK.
    Butt...not the swimming part!

    Twas the week before Christmas and all through the city,
    The Irregulars were typing that it was indeed such a pity
    that the air was so cold and their spirits were way down.
    So many of them stated they felt like a drunken sad clown.

    Trying to sleep throught the wee dark hours of the night
    Staying so wide awake with no wink of rest in their sight.
    Then one snowy eve the north wind was blowing a chiller
    The Sheriff woke up like a crazed thing from some thriller.

    He shouted and screamed and grabbed some rust-laden sled
    That Legal had found in the trash mixed in with the Dead.
    It was dented and marred and had one runner missing
    But he didn't care and stepped in it while hissing.

    Now Mary, now Minnie, now Sassa, now THB
    On Beejay, on Lizzie, on KKD, on BLB!!!
    The Illuminati leads us to lighten and brighten our way
    On Legal, on SER, ORBS and Drew, Let Us Pray!!!

    We will fly out to Dodge and pick up the Boy
    Maybe capture a TOAD and feed him Bok Choi!
    The winter gales whirl to help us to find a man named JED.
    On the way back home we will probably see a Mr. D. Head.

    With wind gusts so wild, so chilly, and so wicked
    the sled took off barely missing a fence of pickett.
    Up over the housetops as if with cyclone force
    As reality strikes... the power of a single horse
    Reply, Reply

  12. ....And we heard the Irregs exclaim as the sled bobbed and weaved, blog on our dear readers, you can make a difference, if you believe!

    (Love it BLB) No insanity showing, just ingenuity!

  13. Thanks kk...never finished it... and I was going to do it. I was hoping people would write another stanza and a great ending! You are the one who has the talent!

  14. ahhhhh.. barf..ect.

  15. Lovely BLB, lovely. Legal, you're being ornery again.

    And I love the finish Orbs.

  16. BUSTED

    Mary, there are many who blog under anonymous,including me. Sometimes it is easier, funnier or just plain smarter to use anonymous to keep a hint of doubt in check ;)

  17. I think Legal Stranger is the insane one, actually.

  18. Legal Stranger is insane, that's nothing new....


  19. Oh shit I wasn't suppose to sign it....laugh'in

  20. Anybody who spends thirty thousand dollars learning law to fight a civil forfeiture is insane.

  21. When did Friday the 13th. become bash legal day?

    Just look at the $30,000 dollars as money spent to improve community service and to remove a dirty civil servant :)

  22. I LOVE the poem, BLB! It shows great irregularity! A classic!

  23. "Do we have to wear swimsuits?"

    Are you suggesting that we go au naturel, kk?

    BLB, your poem is exceptional. You are very witty and talented.

    Speaking about insanity, I went to WalMart on a Friday at 5 PM during the holiday shopping season. What was I thinking? Duh!

  24. BLB, I like your terrific imagination. Your writing style Is fun. I like strange things like " A fence of picket" Most would say A picket fence, which Is boring in comparison.

  25. Thanks all!

    Isn't every day "bash Legal day"?

  26. It seems "bash legal day" peaks during the lunar cycle!

  27. PLC pre lunar cycle
    PLS pre luner syndrome

    PLS (please) supply chocolate and deeds or titles.
