Friday, December 20, 2013

Open Blog - Friday

Oh my.


  1. what ever you do, don't catch the clap...

  2. Obviously someone from the spirit wants to keep me alive. I was headed south driving to work.
    A semi was headed north. My car started to fishtail before a curve.
    THEN..... all of a sudden I had great traction and evened out
    so the semi and my car did not
    even kiss, let alone pass on the clap! Punched in with 2 minutes
    to spare.

  3. Good grief BLB - I'm glad you are okay.

    The cold front is here. We could get ice but then again maybe not. I guess it's a wait and see.

    Be safe and careful out there.

  4. whoa, blb, so glad you're ok!! I haven't been out tyet, but can only guess it's quite icy out there. the salt truck that usually speeds on thru our circle, crawled... yikes! Be safe out there gang!

  5. Well, we are now under a winter storm watch. Crap. Why does this stuff keep happening on the weekends?????

    I will say this, it is interesting to watch my cars temp while pulling out of the garage. Today it was 50. By the time I got to work which is a mile and a half away, it was 31.

    Back to winter. Oh wait, it's not winter yet is it?

  6. I am hearing from many incoming
    that the roads are now mostly salted and that it is a bit warmer. Hope the rest of you stay safe and please be careful. I'd pick snow over this ice storm crap any day. Hope it blows over for you, Mary!

  7. BLB- We are just glad that you made it safely. There is an Angel watching over you today.

    The roads taking Drew to work at 4am was bad in spots. I just hope everyone stays safe.

  8. Happy Friday!

    I'm glad you made it safely, BLB. I don't envy you the driving you have to do for work.

  9. It was miserable this morning. My neighborhood was a sheet of ice. I reached the end of the driveway and could barely make it to the corner. My ABS was quivering even at 10 miles an hour.

    The main roads, once I made it there were much better. All school and city buses were at least 20 - 30 minutes late. One was over an hour late. Roads are much improved now. Next will come the snow... grrrr. It has been a very tough winter so far.

  10. We are under a "ice storm warning". It was spitting at me on the way home from getting my nails done.
    What do you do?

  11. When I went to pick Drew up from work the roads here were clear. This morning was just awful.

    Mary- Just go home and stay in until it is all over. That is what I would do.

    I have one more batch of cookies to do and I am done with them. I have all the presents ready to go up north already. I am getting there slowly. After this last batch of cookies then to put them on plates to go.

    I had good news Drew has Monday off of work now so we can leave earlier. Oh yes go and see everyone sooner. I can't wait to go and see everyone!

  12. KK, I sure wish my ABS would shake. Only the fat around them does. : (

  13. Queen of Salem embellishes the story, You should have heard the truckers version. God D@#! 4 wheelers crazy as psycho bitches don't know how to drive GET the f^%K off the road.
