Friday, December 27, 2013

Open Blog - Friday

If that's your weekly paycheck, you might need help blowing it.


  1. I can pretty much blow mine with a trip to the grocery store and gas station.

  2. P.S. Aaron had to start... Dodge Boy picked it for his Bedtime Game win!

  3. It's FRIDAY!!! Yes a bit of a short week but I am ready for the weekend. Went shopping yesterday and was surprised by the lack of people. Then again, I didn't get out until 9:00 so that could be why.

    Have a great day everyone.

  4. 48 hours crammed into 4 days at work. It is like living in a cave.
    Back to practicing mega codes.
    Kind of wishing I had a Kindle Fire so I could read without
    lugging libraries of books with me.

  5. Here is a favorite of mine. Phone call "hello, hello, I am outside your office, where are you"? I guess seeing we weren't here and hearing the phone ring inside didn't give him a clue?

  6. Another quiet day at work...I get a lot done these days...and the traffic is so light coming here...I could get used to this.

  7. I would just like to say Happy Birthday to Lizardmom's hubby!

  8. I figure another 6 day's or so, I should be out of my November, December funk? I REALLY hope so.

    By now most of you know I am REALLY anxious, and Depressed at this time of year, and going to my daughters for the celebration could have been unpleasant for me, but I have to share this GREAT story.

    After opening the regular Christmas gifts, we have dinner. After dinner we have what the WOMEN In the family call WHITE ELEPHANT gift game time. Everybody has to bring something worthless all wrapped up, and placed In the middle of the floor. You shake dice to win choices, but certain shakes allow you to steal someone else stuff. Anyhow at the end, one by one, you open your gift. When my time came, I opened the box, and a HANDGUN was inside. I discovered It was a CO2 BB gun, and promptly looked It over to see how It worked etc. Being cautious as I alway's am, I pointed the pistol at the ceiling and pulled the trigger. BANG, and I mean REALLY BANG. It sounded like a 38. Of course It scared the crap out of me, and my wife was looking for the hole In the ceiling, while everybody else laughed their asses off. Actually I got quite a laugh out of It myself. I had a nice day. I guess that's why my name Is Mikey?

  9. Wow...this is the last Friday of the year, that sounds depressing

  10. I gave myself a Christmas gift of two Chicago dogs at Top Dog Hot Dogs.
