Monday, December 16, 2013

Open Blog - Monday

I wonder what kind of service they give?


  1. Number 1???? I'll take it. I am sorry to have to tell my Irregular friends that we are in the 60's this week. Friday was beautiful, Saturday freezing and yesterday beautiful. I'll enjoy it until the winter storm comes in this weekend.

    Am also still enjoying the great win by our Packers yesterday. Wow!
    Have a great day everyone.

  2. PACKER'S Monday thought:
    Too bad TV didn't show the cowboy's owners face during the last 2 minutes of the game

  3. the announcer said Dallas had their best 1st half ever, and their worst defeat ever.

    I was getting depressed the 1st half then a whole new Packer team showed up the it.

    And as always, 'I HATE THE COWBOYS' so this game was GREAT!

    Mary, it's only Zero right now...gezzzzz I hate the cold also.

  4. Sorry SER - glad I'm not there.

    Legal - I was waiting to see Jerry Jones but they didn't show him. Did see Dez Bryant walk off before the game was over. He claims he was "too emotional". I hope they fine him.
    A big congratulations for Matt Flynn. Great game.

  5. I didn't catch the game but glad we won :)
    Happy Monday, all!

  6. Best game I've seen in a long time! Not only did the Packers beat the Cowboys, they beat them at THEIR house. They also beat the officials too.

  7. I heard they serve a delicious helping of smack down.

    More snow tonight? Grrrr.

  8. BTW, the NFL Channel will be replaying the game Wednesday night at 7:00. I'll double check to make sure.

  9. Belated Happy Monday and Go, Pack, Go!
