Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Open Blog - New Year's Eve

Happy New Year's Eve!


  1. Celebrate! Please do so responsibly.

    Thank you and have a Wonderful New Year!

  2. I agree with Orbs be Responsible and if you can't, stay home and be an asshole to the person in the mirror

    Happy Happy and a Better New Years to all....

  3. I'm ready for a change. 2013 had some challenging moments for many of us. To health, happiness, new opportunities, prosperity and all that rot!

    I'm not going out on amature night. Tables in restaurants are squished together, menus are restricted, and service sucks. Bars are full of people making fools of themselves. I will enjoy a quiet evening with Dick Clark's replacement. It wont be the same, though...

  4. No going out for us. Stay in have a nice dinner and welcome in the New Year.

    It's already 2014 in Australia. Happy New Year Everyone.

  5. How appropriate jed gets the 5th on the 31st...

    Looks like KK has her poker hat on again...looks like 3 aces to me...

    Mary, I am celebrating the Aussie new year right now...lets go mate...wait that doesn't sound right kinda like an old pick up line.

    Oh and KK... my final note of 2013 to you...amateur, thank you very much.

    Now everyone- go out and be P & P one final time in 2013

  6. I haven't been able to stay up to see the new year in, for years now. I open tomorrow anyways, so it's just another night, with a new year awaiting me when I wake up tomorrow :)

  7. We are staying in tonight but this afternoon we are going to see the Hobbit.

  8. We hope everyone enjoys their New Years and be safe please. Happy New Year everyone!

  9. It was a custom of ours to stay home, and have Surf & Turf, but even buying It, and cooking It Is cost prohibitive. Surf, would have to be CHINESE shrimp, and Turf would be Grade Z Tenderloin In a bag.

    40 some years ago, when we were young and In our prime, we would go to boring friends house, and eat junk, and play Trivial Pursuit. Yee, Haa.

    I think tonight, I will cook Cube Steaks In some variety of soup, until they are falling apart, with phoney mashed potato's, and some kind of steam-In-bag vegetable. Perhaps I can get Mrs. Toad to share some Mateus Rose' (a great wine we drank a ship load of when we were courting) with the metal cap, instead of cork. It was a fine wine In 1969. (now I'm a poet) anyhow, we will attempt to stay awake until 2014 but can't bet on anything.

    To ALL of my irregular friends I wish a Happy, and MUCH better NEW YEAR than this past one.

  10. Happy New Year to everyone !!!

    Staying home this year. My asthma acted up, my fiancée isn't feeling well, it's really cold out and it's going to start snowing this evening. We'll celebrate over the phone. Probably at NY time.

    We usually stay home, have a nice home cooked dinner (something on the grill) then play card games or put together a puzzle and watch the countdown on TV. Yeah, we're old.

    I'll spend today and tomorrow getting my business tax stuff in order. Whoo Hoo!

  11. Enjoy your cold New Year...don't look the Tucson forecast unless you are feeling really masochistic right now.

  12. Out with the old, in with the new.
    and remember....The Bears still


  13. Dodge Boy: My annual New Years Eve puzzle is set up and partially done. It is the Eiffel Tower. It is a beast, all black and white with pieces that are cut with no two alike.... and on the diagonal. You are more than welcome to participate.

    Gee Jed, I hope I didn't offend you! With all those 5th's, you are certainly a pro. ;>

  14. KK... you know I'm never offended.

    My puzzle is going to be the Leaning Tower of Pizza, I mean Pisa.

    After a few 5th's , who cares if it's leaning. lol

  15. Happy New Years Eve to all of my Irregular family!
    All of you are loved, all of you are different and unique in your own way. You all have brought so much enjoyment to me every day!

    The world brings so many uncertainties. The most important thing is loving, forgiving , forgetting and giving to those
    who need your many modes of kindness you are able to share. Yes, we all need to unclutter our frivolous earthly possessions,
    but that is not of the utmost importance. Uncluttering our minds of hang ups, as well as assisting the lost to regain a pathway free of negativity and assisting in the feeling of self worth.
    I plan to be even better in 2014
    in aiding in healing of spirit
    to my own as well as others.

  16. BLB - I got the part about healing spirits, I'm planning on that later on, and the rest of what you said is very beautiful, although very deep within. I tried deep withins before, never seemed to work very well.

  17. Thank you Jed....now there are many ways to heal a spirit! I can only imagine your way!!! Can I say I am jealous, but I need to stop being that way!!!! Cheers Jed! Many more fifths for you... Often I don't take the fifth just in case you show up! Cheers to ALL!!!

  18. The driving is getting crappy out there. Be careful.

    I'll be home tonight, too. I wonder if I'll hear as many gunshots at midnight here as I did in the old neighborhood.
