Thursday, December 26, 2013

Open Blog - Thursday

Is that a ring-tailed poot?


  1. It sure looks like a ring tailed poot to me. A little different from yours, Orbs.

  2. Good morning everyone. After listening to woosh, crash for a few days, the ice is finally gone.

    Now if you will excuse me, there are some candles waiting to be bought at Bath & Body Works.

    Have a great day everyone.

  3. We made it home from up north just took longer to get home than usual. On Hwy 41 I could only go the most is 50 MPH then on 894 the road was so clear and then on Hwy 94 it was slow again.

  4. Happy day after Christmas to all in
    No ice---that's nice
    Home safe---great place

  5. No one at work today...I am the only one in my department. I take my vacation in January for the Disney Marathon so I enjoy the quiet time here this week and next. My office is much cleaner than it was a few days ago...good time to catch up on such things!

  6. Thursday? Holidays in the middle of the week always mess me up.

    Would the Bears stoop so low as to make Rodgers a target?

  7. The Bears will make Aaron a target,especially after the yeast infection joke........laugh'in

  8. Oh yea don't be surprised that Aaron gets hurt again during the game.

    Mary same bet for this Sunday I am in if you are!

  9. got that right about screwing up the week.

    Today feels like Sunday to me.
