Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Open Blog - Tuesday



  1. I'll take one of each. Happy Tuesday.

    Charlie is snoring. How cute.

    It's frickin' below zero out there.

    Which makes me think, where has Why Not been lately?

  2. Orbs, I didn't know cats snore, that IS adorable!
    I'm listening to the winds howl and don't want to go out, but I will have to soon...
    Bed has been such a beckoning place lately, nice and toasty, we've created a great bond

  3. Cupcakes! I don't want to spread rumors but there is a ball of light in the sky. Something we haven't seen for days. We might, just might get to 33 today. Sure would be nice to see some of the skating rinks of roads start to clear. Schools are still closed because of that.

    Have a good one everybody.

  4. I just came in from some errands and it is starting to flurry out there and I don't want to go back out. It is getting real windy, cold and snow I just don't like the three of them together. I just hope everyone stays safe today and tomorrow with more white stuff.

  5. woo hoo!!! I just confirmed 3 interviews, 1 tomorrow and at least 2 on Thursday. Here we go!

  6. Liz, I hope you have a packet of business cards to share with the businesses you interview. It would be nice for the businesses itself and their customers to be able to see the write-ups.

  7. I want to get some made up, if Vista Print runs a good special. I take a brochure with me to each for now :)
