Thursday, December 26, 2013

Our Christmas Up North!

We left on Monday morning and we ended up running into some snow on the way up north. The roads got bad in Appleton when I dropped my youngest daughter off with my older daughter. Then we stopped in Shawano to drop of some gifts for Christmas Eve morning by my son's house and seen his girlfriend and the Grandkids. Then we finally made it to Pickeral by Drew's parents and let me tell you I was so happy to get out of the car for the day.

On the way to Drew's parents right before Lily Wi. we seen a Juvenile Bald Eagle. I was really neat it flew across the road in front of me twice and then went into a tree. So I stopped on a Hwy 55 a main road and it was snowy to get pictures. Here is a picture of the Juvenile Bald Eagle:

It was so nice to finally sit down and talk with his mom and dad when we got there. We miss being up north with both families so much. I have to say we all had a lot to sit there and talk about to get caught up and look at pictures too.

Then the next morning we had breakfast and then back to Shawano to open presents with the kids, Grandkids, my mom and younger sister. It was so funny with the Grandkids first they wanted Grandpa then they would come and sit on Grandma's lap and kept going back and forth. This was funny Ace only wanted to be on Grandpa's lap to open his presents and Skylee wanted to be with her Daddy to open hers.

Drew got the Packers Santa hat, a stocking and ornament from my older daughter and Ace wanted the hat on but Daddy kept taking it off him and Ace would take it back to Grandpa so he would put it back on him.

Grandpa seen this drum set and said we had to get it for Skylee so she can drive mom and dad crazy. You have to believe me we actually found it at a thrift store and in perfect condition. We also found Ace a little guitar there too.

Christmas morning we had breakfast with Drew's parents and then we had to go to Appleton by my older sister for an early dinner. We left there about 4pm and didn't get home until around 8pm because of the snowy highways. But of course I got us home and was so glad to be home and I stayed home all day today.

We had so much fun and enjoyed ourselves so much with both families. We really didn't want to come home because we just love it so much up there. I just can't wait for the weather to get better so we can go and see the family more often. This is how our trip up north was and we are so happy that we actually was able to make it to see everyone!


  1. Sounds like you had a very Merry Christmas. But I know the strain of all that driving can get to you. It's always nice when you get back home.

    It's great to make memories with the families like this. Treasure them while you have them.

    Thanks for the pics and have a Happy New Year!

  2. Future musicians in the making
    That is if their parents don't destroy the toys first
