Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Blankets I Have Been Working On!

The blankets I have been working on took me from January to December to make. These blankets are all crocheted by me and are for the family. Yes it takes a long time to make and also in the summer I really didn't work on them to much with going out and birding and taking pictures of  flowers. I am just thankful I got them all done in time.

The reason for making these blankets is the older kids got jealous last year because I made blankets for the grandkids. So I found out what colors the kids liked, my son was very easy and you will see why. Then when I was finding out what colors for the kids Drew says I would like one too. So that added another one on. I made six blankets in twelve months.

Here are pictures of the blankets:

Yes to the left is Bears colors for my son and to the right is the colors that Drew's son picked out.

To the left is Whitewater University colors for my youngest daughter and right is Packer colors for Drew. Drew's blanket was the last one and I just finished it on Thursday night.

To the left is the colors that my son's girlfriend picked and the one to the right is the colors my older daughter picked.

Yes I have been busy making the blankets and with everything else all year long. I am just happy I finished these in time so they can get them for Christmas. Now time to go to the store to get everything to start my Christmas cookies hopefully get them done on time!


  1. Wow. That is a lot to get done in one year! You do beautiful work!

    I've made a few blankets... and have many that my mom made, including layette blankets. I've made sweaters and lots of mittens, hats and slippers. I also have a few crocheted toys laying around from years ago, including under the Christmas tree Santa, Drummer Boy, and Snowman.

  2. My mom crocheted a lot until her vision gave out. Numerous family members and friends received her blankets. I have one.

    Very nice work, THB. Those gifts are special because you made them. That's giving of your self.

  3. I still have a afghan my sister made for me 20 years ago. Homemade gifts mean a lot. I wish I were more talented.

    GREAT JOB THB! They are beautiful.

  4. Thank you everyone for the very nice comments. When the kids said that they wanted the blankets I was like I just hope I can get them all done in time.

    Then the other day when I was done with all of them Drew and I sat down and figured out how much each one of them cost me to make over the year and I just could not believe it. Just making one cost me about forty dollars to make. That is the yarn alone. I figure the kids are worth that and I enjoy making the blankets for them. I worked on them while I was watching t.v. in the evening.

  5. Those are great blankets!
    I've been getting back into crocheting blankets lately too.
    D asked me to make a baby blanket for an employee of his, so I ordered yarn, then they found out it was a boy.. the yarn I had was too girly, so I ordered more. then it turned out that they were the big skeins. oh my! I had nothing else to do, so I made blankets in different sizes with this baby yarn. Dropped them off at the church for a donation.
    THB, did you know that Red Heart Yarn has variegated yarn in team colors?
