Friday, January 10, 2014

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone and welcome back! Glad that deep freeze is over with.... No more waiting 20 minutes for car to warm up! Anyways, your questions...

1) What paper and pencil games do you like to play?

2) What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?

3) What keys on your keyboard do you not use?

4) What or when was the last picture of you was taken?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1. We play a lot of tic tac toe with the girls

    2. well only because I'm American... blood pudding, if I were a Sweden then it would just be a normal food.. didnt care for it and definitely didnt like the smell of it cooking..

    3. well the function keys I dont know what they do.. most of the keys that dont have a number, punctuation or a letter on it..

    4. Hmm New Years Eve I guess..

  2. 1) My Grandma and I use to do mixed math problems and I always loved to do that!

    2) Up north when my parents first got the land we were eating outside and a raccoon came up by us and got up on his hind legs and was making a fist to my dad. Then my dad got his knife and threw it at the raccoon and it ran up a tree. The next door neighbor came with his gun and shot it then the next day he made it on the open fire and we all ate that raccoon.

    3) The only ones I do use are the letters, numbers and punctuation ones.

    4) That would be at Christmas the kids took pictures of me. That is what they had told me.

    I hope you stay safe with the wintery mix coming today.

  3. 1) What paper and pencil games do you like to play?

    2) What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?
    Tripe, got tricked into it by grandpa, and chitlins, by my friends from Chicago. People think oxtail soup is odd... but that i have stirred up a mean batch.

    3) What keys on your keyboard do you not use?
    The number pad on side and most of the alternate.

    4) What or when was the last picture of you was taken?

  4. 1. None

    2. Rocky Mountain Oysters.

    3. Home, Page up, Page Dn. End, and most of the f keys.

    4. Christmas

  5. Well, well, well

    1. It is similar to "spin the bottle" only with paper and pencil, if you get my drift.
    2.How can you top THB eating fresh raccoon? Suddenly I feel ill, please tell me it tasted like chicken.
    3. What's a keyboard?
    4. Whenever they took that stupid one hanging in the post office.

    Keep 'em coming Drew, we can handle most any question you conjure up.

  6. 1. tictactoe
    2. campbells soup
    3. lots of them
    4. I will go with Jed's answer, the wanted picture in the post office.....laugh'in
    Have a great weekend irregulars!

  7. Legal buddy, I know how creative you can be... let me help...I think the last picture of you was for that milk carton I bought.

  8. 1. Crosswords

    2. Not sure... Medisterpolse? Pickled herring in cream sauce?

    3. F13- F19. Don't believe I've found a use for them yet.

    4. Three generations with Christmas hats.

  9. Hey... What's up with dat?

    I don't have buttons for F13 to F19 on my stupid machine, I feel deprived and violated.

    I do have this one button I've always want to hit, but I'm ascared to do it... It's my FU button. lol

  10. Jed, Ascared, I love It. Been years since I've heard that word.

    KK. Just had to bring up the creamed Hearing again didn't you? Early this week or last week, someone mentioned creamed hearing for the holiday's, and I didn't have any, so I had to go out and buy and EXPENSIVE little jar (Plastic now) of It. Almost $5.00

    BTW, Do you NOT like Medisterpolse? I can make It. I love It.

  11. The Mac's at school have the upper F buttons. Go ahead, jed and push that button, it could go either way... ;>

    I do like Medisterpolse, in small quantities. I'm not a big fan of sausage of any kind. I loved the herring when I was a kid, not sure I could get myself to down it, now. I believe it was always (comparably) expensive.

  12. Jed and Legal- Leave it to you and thanks for the laugh today. I really needed that and the two of you always come through for that!

    Jed- Actually the Raccoon was cook over an open fire and it was really good!

  13. 1. word search
    2. state fair foods on sticks
    the spaghetti and meatballs were good, the spaghetti was INSIDE the meatball. The chocolate covered bacon wasn't bd
    3. if it's not numeric, alphabetic or punctuational, it's not used.
    4. it was soon after I think Mary mentioned wanting to see my footie jammies, I took a shot of my legs on my desk, haven't gotten it on the computer yet to get it posted, they're so toasty!

  14. The worst part of the picture it was on the SOUR milk carton.

  15. Legal... it was a LactAid Carton for people that are lactose know that!!!! ....who...aaahhh ....ummm...
    pass lots of gas.

  16. BLB- I that why the picture of him has such a sour look on his face and he is sticking his tongue out!

  17. I forgot he looks like he was crying too!

  18. Good thing I buy kitchen matches buy the case

  19. 1) Tic tac toe and hangman.

    2) Head cheese? I don't know. My parents were immigrants and ate some weird stuff. My palate quickly became Americanized.

    3) I use the letters and the numbers above them. That's it.

    4) Probably the last JTI function.

  20. 1. Word puzzles.

    2. A bee, but I didn't mean to do it.

    3. F1 - F-12. I have no clue what they do.

    4. I'd have to say our trip to Lambeau.

    Thanks Drew!

  21. We definitely have too much time on our hands... You guys are cracking me up!

    1) Tic tack toe

    2) Bear jerky. Delicious!

    3) The auto destruct key.

    4) Christmas with the grandkids.

  22. 1) What paper and pencil games trying to find one when I need one

    2) you have ever eaten?
    Horse, it's good except the fat is orange....

    3) keyboard do you not use?
    Most of the Function Keys

    4) picture of you was taken?
    two Fridays ago at a birthday party at Coasters
