Friday, January 17, 2014

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone and welcome back! It's a tale of two extremes within one week. The week started off slow then sped up like insane towards the end. Why can't things be steady? Anyways, your questions...

1) What do you think are the characteristics that make up a good pet?

2) What is your favorite knock-knock joke?

3) Have you ever been in a food fight?

4) Can you fake any accents?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1) make up a good pet?
    For some else to own it. One that obedient.

    2) knock-knock joke?
    I have no idea...when I read the question my brain cell went dead.

    3) food fight?
    YES and it was a blast

    4) Can you fake any accents?

  2. 1) When you have it from a baby and train it the way you want it trained. Make sure it listens very good to you.

    2) No and I agree with SER about the brain cell going dead.

    3) Yes and the last one was with my son and that was so much fun.

    4) Yes.

    The deleted comment was from me because I forgot to sign Drew out. I hope everyone stays safe this weekend with the nasty white stuff coming tomorrow.

  3. 1. Listens well to commands, and Is NOT aggressive.

    2. Really don't like Knock Knock jokes.

    3. No

    4. Yes, DENNIS from INDIA. I'm sorry, I cannot divulge that information.

  4. 1) Love.

    2) Knock, knock!
    Who’s there?
    Spell who?
    (I just looked that up on the net.)

    3) No.

    40 No.

    Sorry, I deleted your deletion THB before I read your post.

    Thank you, drew, for the questions.

  5. 1. loyal, loving and cuddly
    2. the one not told, not a fan
    3. heck ya, good times!
    4. I can do a couple of people at work quite well but not good at it in general

  6. 1. I like most dogs and some cats. The associated poop, mess and often damage to property are too much.
    2. Usually knock-knock jokes are pretty lame. Tell me a good one.
    3. No. We were taught about starving children. Wasting food was a sin.
    4. But of course... han, han

  7. 1) What do you think are the characteristics that make up a good pet?
    A shitless one that has no need to urinate. BUTT...hehe...
    the love and devotion you get are
    the best. It is the time that you put into them that reap the rewards.

    2) What is your favorite knock-knock joke?
    Who’s there?
    Oswald who?
    Oswald my bubble gum.

    3) Have you ever been in a food fight?
    I hide my chocolate so no one finds it... then my hips find it and....there is always a struggle with my jeans....which cause me to violently jump up and down.
    4) Can you fake any accents?
    Jaaa...cause I Frrrom de Svetlana
    Society....I amm your mail orrrrderrr BRRRIDE!! 1 MILLION RUBLES for me...Natascha.

  8. 1) What do you think are the characteristics that make up a good pet?
    Any pet that goes ruuf ruuf

    2) What is your favorite knock-knock joke?
    knockers knockers

    3) Have you ever been in a food fight?
    whip cream fights are fun and tasty

    4) Can you fake any accents?
    English is my best faked accent

    parle vous humma humma?

  9. 1) Companionship and loyalty.

    2) Don't care too much for knock knock jokes anymore... Loved them as a kid.

    3) Nope.

    4) Crickety! I can do a BAD Steve Irwin imitation.

  10. My dog. Wish she would listen to me and not talk back.. But that's why I love her

    Knock knock
    Who's there?
    Smell mop
    Smell mop who?

    You have to say it out loud to 'get it'

    Probably as a kid

    I pick up southern accents easily.

  11. THB, my last 2 dogs were rescues, (4 yrs) and (1 yr) . You don't need to get a dog as a puppy to train him. The rescues know they have a second chance and are more eager to please and love.
