Friday, January 24, 2014

"Founded by Geniuses, Run by Idiots"

From Milwaukee County Corruption:

"Founded by Geniuses, Run by Idiots"

Funny, sad, and poignant comments on our government.


  1. Yaosir, that satire really hits home....OUCH.

    I like LS's humor better.

  2. While this has some basis in point, it is a terribly skewed representation of the real picture. Very one sided view.

  3. It is hard not to have one sided views when we are all individual
    people. As in everything there are many views and facets. I know he worked very hard on many thoughts
    pertaining to this. There is no harm in that. Who has the entire truth embedded within? Anyone can argue any point on ANYTHING! But the fact is that so much money is wasted because of ignorance of governmental agencies.

    Nothing wrong in a few banters to stir up some topics. I know with all the recent BS, that was not of the friendly sort, people are steering away from political discussions because of the invasion of this site by angry
    people . Move on people and enjoy satire. Some of these on this blog
    are things that make you go "arrrrgh".
    LORD. Let us all not be haters. AMEN

  4. Not being a hater, if we all agree on everything, life would be pablum. It still is okay to keep our minds open. If you follow and read the thought process of some of these decisions, from more than one political viewpoint, you understand that while there is truth in these statements, sometimes the alternative choices in legislation didn't make sense either.

  5. I would argue that nearly ALL of the statements made are accurate, and NONSENSE, not everyone will agree.

    Take the one regarding unemployment insurance. Does anybody think that people should be provided this benefit forever? I suggest lots of recipients do?

    Should we allow Mexican citizens to come to this country, and stay here even though we can't take care of our own citizens?

    WHY do parental right get tossed away RE: SEX, by our children, and laws like the example given NOT?

    I could go on, and on, but I think I made my point.

    One from this city. If you are caught shop lifting, the fine Is $303.00 If you are caught driving without insurance the fine Is $200.50 over, and over, and over, and over again. A story In our online news speaks of a man receiving his 7th OWI. We have perhaps 100 plus homes vacant In this city, for one reason or another. While these homes sit vacant, Habitat for Humanity Is building a brand new one, on the busiest street In town. WHY?

    I say GOOD JOB legal stranger, It Is an enlightening post, and shows tremendous stupidity In our country.

  6. Leave it to KK to reincarnate the term of an 80 year old cereal,or was it my simplistic thoughts? Fear not irregulars, there are no known haters amongst the fellow irregulars. Anybody who knows me understands I have no faith in the party system. The best individual, regardless of party affiliation should be considered for office. Over 60 years ago George Orwell envisioned the future we are cursed with. You stand for something or fall for everything.

  7. pab·lum /ˈpabləm/noun bland or insipid intellectual fare, entertainment, etc.; pap.

    I believe we agree on the insidiousness of the product of our current government. The real problems lie with the extreme differences we are given to choose between... and power mongering by those in office.

  8. Criminals have run this nation for quite some time. In the past, they controlled the media so we saw, heard and read what they wanted us to see, hear and read, like the Journal Times covers up the massive corruption in lying John's regime. The internet has blown that all to bits by offering everyone and anyone a chance to be heard. The fierce democracy of the web enables the truth to be told, but it also allows for more lies and misinformation to be spread.

    People don't want to think about this stuff. They want to be lied to and pretend everything is OK. They get ornery when they are constantly reminded of our criminal government and our inability to do anything about it.

  9. "our inability to do anything about it"
    We can do something about it:
    action plan

    Our press should should expose the wrongdoings of our society, corporate, private and government.

    The internet is an alternative source of info with some of the best and worst to decipher thru, use it wisely. I prefer telling jokes, but reality squarely faces us.

    We must act on our conscience or pay a higher price in the future.

  10. I purposely used "inability" instead of "unwillingness" because I believe that there are few of us who give a damn. That's the "we" that I mean. We're maybe 0.0001%. Our paltry numbers damn us.

    We can scream all we want into the faces of the masses. They're not interested. "Keep you doped with religion, sex and T.V./And you think you're so clever and classless and free"

    Obviously, their apathy allows the crooks and liars into public office, and keeps them there. Look how few people even vote. Unless their wallets or stomachs are threatened, they just don't give a damn.
